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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Probably because of the masterful way Obama handled the swine flu, eh?
  2. You can't even make up your own insult. For your sake, go back to the kiddie table. We already have Tibs, Gary, and Q. TH3 has already spoken for the alternate position. We don't need anymore idiots. Oh, and fvck off.
  3. Are you really this ignorant? Were the interjections of the responses actually intended to be some kind of a response to Trump? Your post was a lie or you are just too dumb to know it.
  4. Maybe they could make Chicago a no gun zone? That oughta do it.
  5. Drugs have all kinds of side effects and you'll see them listed ad nauseum on the bottle. They even invariably say 'don't take_______________if your are allergic to it". All I was doing was asking you to back up your supposition. If you can't do it just say so.
  6. Have they been taken off of it when it was being given to them to treat Lupus, malaria or arthritis?
  7. Those IED's that they'll get with the money are a surefire way of solving the coronavirus.
  8. She also encouraged people to visit their relatives in nursing homes and to buy lottery tickets.
  9. This is why you don't deserve any respect whatsoever here. That's as fake of a video as there is. Go back to the kiddie table.
  10. Trump isn't going to strong arm any state to open up. It's not only politically dangerous but constitutionally wrong.
  11. Giving Iran money would be like giving the panhandler money for "food". Iran would just use that money for supporting its terrorist groups around the world. Masks & other PPE's could be a possibility though.
  12. It's going to take leaders with balls to deal with China. None of the typical EU loving type.
  13. Almost as bad as what the abortionist/governor of VA did.
  14. I saw a demonstration of the use of the masks made in China and others made elsewhere. The nurse put a mask on and lit a lighter and held it a few inches from her mouth and tried to blow the flame out. She couldn't. She next took a mask made in China and gave the same test. She blew the flame out immediately. She then tried two Chinese masks that kept her from blowing the flame out. Nice.
  15. Can't hear you. After all, that 3rd chair is a long way away.
  16. Well they did it in a very clandestine Machiavellian way. They need to pay the price to the extent that it will put their economy on a whole new trajectory. Let them pay a heavy enough price that they'll soon not forget their machinations.
  17. Abe Vagoda has never been young. This pic is 20 years after The Godfather and he was old then.
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