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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I gotta say bs to that. You probably had this tape all qued up just in case.
  2. He was probably hoarding all the fish tank cleaner for him and his family.
  3. That's some real malleable clay there for you to work with. Maybe start her out with a gift of "Atlas Shrugged"?
  4. China doesn't need any more people, thus the one baby rule. The CCP is inherently non religious so they have few compunctions about getting rid of people. If they wanted to disrupt the world's economy I doubt that they would have any problems with losing many of their own people in order to reach their goal. Who knows, maybe they think that tanking the U.S. economy might keep Trump from reelection and it would bring in a dufus to deal with them. This might sound far-fetched, but is it really?
  5. Once a person dogmatically refuses to take contrary information and at least consider it, he not only gets put on my personal ignore list but also is eligible for my mocking list. Basically I refuse to enter into any substantial discussion with them because it's not going to go anywhere but reserve the right to mock them incessantly.
  6. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2020-03-26/coronavirus-celebrity-deaths
  7. What's the problem? I hear fish tank cleaner is the new cure.
  8. Boy, I'm glad I chose to end my participation in this conversation a few pages back and probably 10 or so hours ago. The "engineer" has simply repeated his tired, old thoughts for hours on hours. He is incapable of even engineering a cogent argument. Take note people, this is what TDS does to a person. It has taken what might used to have been an analytical person concerned with facts and probabilities into a Morris Albert kind of guy:
  9. What's he bitching about, he got his wish to damage the economy didn't he?
  10. Caruso-Cabrera actually is a local celebrity in her own right.
  11. You're blaming Trump for a husband and wife taking a fish tank cleaner that was clearly marked not for human consumption? A ton of the drug has been ordered with also another ton already received. Why do you keep returning to that?
  12. Now there you go again, misstating what everyone here has said. The HCQ approach should be thoroughly studied. In the meantime a covid-19 patient and their doctor should discuss its use and decide together whether to use it. Who here has disagreed with that? Who here is casting all caution aside?
  13. Who is disagreeing with that? If that's your stance this has been just a whole shitload of wasted time. Regardless, who is your candidate of choice this November?
  14. What is your definition of a compassionate basis?
  15. Nobody is saying that they shouldn't do double blind studies. Quit being so ***** obtuse. There are many anecdotal instances in which people feel that HCQ saved their lives. There are other instances in which doctors are convinced that it is helpful. So, tell us, who are you going to vote for in November for president?
  16. No, there's many medical professionals that have seen some good results. I've heard them asked if they'd take it themselves if circumstances were ripe for them to take it and they said they would. I've also heard that doctors and nurses who were tending to the coronavirus crowd or even in just the same hospital have taken it for their own protection.
  17. Only a month or two? Do you mind if I copy this so that I can send it out to the doctors giving care to those people who may very well be on their deathbeds? I'm sure this will make them feel so much better. Can't he be both?
  18. Then where do we stop? Schiff? Nadler? Watters? Johnson? The Squad? What about Brennan, Comey, Clapper and McCabe? Is your name Dexter?
  19. At least up to the end of active campaigning it is my understanding that she was not spending time in her district and her constituents felt she was abandoning them in favor of fostering a national image. That and her stupid Amazon stance just could possibly get her Joe Crowlyied.
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