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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. She reminds me of Leader Obama who closed previously unmanned monuments during a government shutdown. The guy who evicted homeowners from their homes because they lived on federal leased land. The guy who said he wanted to make the shutdown as painful as possible. Those lefties sure like to tell other people what to do! So, you think Trump is tone deaf to the average person?
  2. At the risk of being falsely called a racist I would have a tough time voting for a ticket that would put her in line to very possibly become our president. She's arrogant and delusional and blamed racism for her defeat in Georgia. I need a president that not only is mostly aligned with my politics but one who is a leader and also has a keen understanding of this nations history and place in this world. Reagan had that, Obama didn't and it showed. I could see this becoming a popular sitcom.
  3. Wouldn't she have to give up her governor's job in Georgia?
  4. Government didn't do that, someone else did. His compass always points to the south.
  5. April 15, 2020 CNN BREAKING NEWS: The Center For Disease Control has reported that a research laboratory in Suffolk County on Long island has discovered a new variation of the Covid-19 virus that not only can be as deadly as the old version but spreads much more rapidly, especially among family members. Formally named IDGAS* it is also known as The Fredo Virus. NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo was asked about this development and replied, "what brother"? *Idon'tgiveashit
  6. BREAKING NEWS: Jim Acosta, CNN's world renown attack dog has been given the prestigious Baghdad Bob Truth in Journalism Award by the Chinese Committee For Truth and Fairness. In a rare moment President Xi spoke glowingly of Acosta, stating that he represents the true tradition of Yellow Journalism.
  7. The point that's being missed here is that Fredo, who is infected with Covid-19 had Easter dinner with his family and then went on an outing with other people. This after faking that he was quarantined to his basement and had to do his show from there. So, it would appear that he is not only deliberately violating the virus protocol but endangering at the very least his family. What a low-life.
  8. Asshatharry, one of the few who takes advice from Gleeful Gator and actually follows it.
  9. In Joe's defense, he just didn't know what he was doing. As proof, look back over the last 40 or so years.
  10. WHO was complicit in the spread of the virus. Do you really want to give them money to make matters worse? That would be on par with giving pallets of cash to the main sponsor of world terrorism. Links please.
  11. A statement of fact without context? You obviously were comparing the two. For what purpose? Again, which virus would you choose to have if you had to have one?
  12. Trump took a shot across the governors' bow. Governors like Cuomo who are setting up regional pacts with other states are now starting to act like they are the heroes here when its been the feds who have done all the bailing out. Now that it looks like we are out of the woods as it pertains to needed equipment, Trump is not going to allow certain governors to make political hay. It's no big deal.
  13. Some places can't survive without keeping the sale of lottery tickets going.
  14. Have you learned nothing in the last 3 1/2 years? Trump has been on the side of the Constitution since his inauguration. Trump also uses what might be considered outrageous statements by some as a part of his negotiating process. I haven't taken any time to try to figure this out yet but I'm confident that despite his words he'll actually do the right thing. Relax.
  15. That's like comparing apples and oranges rocks. Your comparison means nothing. Just to play along, if you had to catch either of the viruses which would you choose?
  16. The narrative has changed regarding the economy. It's gone from Trump being able to say "look what I did for the economy" to being able to say "look what I can do again for the economy". MAKE ECONOMY GREAT AGAIN aka MEGA hats will be a popular seller.
  17. Seriously? Why is it you Lefties always keep bringing up genitals along with the sucking and ball licking that you seem to be so preoccupied with?
  18. DiBlasio stated the other day that the NYC schools are closed for the year. Cuomo stated that it wasn't up to DiBlasio to make that determination since he (Cuomo) was the one that closed them in the first place.
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