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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. There's a lot of "what ifs" here so I guess I'll add one of my own. What if China had come out sometime in the 4th quarter of 2019 and stated to the world that they had a very dangerous virus that could pass from human to human? Countries around the world would have offered support and the WHO wouldn't have felt compelled to lie. I can imagine that some of us might be straining to remember that virus that happened in Wuhan around last Christmas.
  2. No, the coronavirus infection rate is much higher in Maryland than in Virginia. Maryland counts all those infections while Virginia just aborts those people.
  3. Your governor is going to dictate cuts to federal employees? Since when are Hawaiian teachers federal employees?
  4. Of course, this is a wonderful idea. Get Joe out there so that people really get to know him.
  5. No, I don't know that he meant something different than what he clearly stated.
  6. Consider the source. Asshatharry normally just follows people around and posts negative emojis on every post that isn't done by a liberal nut job.
  7. Your so called statistics would mean that 10's of millions of people are hospitalized from this virus. I assumed as a Jets fan you must be at least a little nuts but I may have underestimated just how much.
  8. And I so enjoyed (as a Kid) folding the Land O' Lakes package up so her knees became her titties.
  9. Are you sure this wasn't dated April 1st? The authors name is Samantha Swindler and they don't know how to spell illegal aliens and homeless people. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to fight the spread of disease, some populations – such as mobile workers or unhoused residents – don’t readily have access to those things. When soap isn’t available, the CDC recommends hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  10. This thread has me getting more and more convinced that there is a plot by some here that want to bring down PPP by just posting plain old stupidshit in everyone of their posts. Minor players just post stuff they know is way out there and will get a reaction. Other players dominate the thread by not acknowledging that their proclamations have been proven wrong and just go on and on trying to wear down the opposition. It's as if they are Crusading.
  11. The case could be more easily stated that the people who ingested a tablet that came from a package that clearly stated "not for human consumption" are were pretty stupid. The fact that they were democrat donors further confirms it.
  12. I'm not sure that self sustaining includes food banks and unemployment though. I tried to put a pencil to it but I ran out of lead. Couldn't find anyplace that had lead either.
  13. See, you ignore the facts and go directly to the part where you try to excuse your ignorance. Don't you have even a tiny bit of curiosity why the WHO waited a week to admit human to human transmission after it should have been obvious that it was the case?
  14. The WHO declared that the coronavirus could be passed from human to human on 1-31-2020. On 1-23-2020 China shut down its movie theaters. If the WHO was doing its job they would have at least presumed that China knew something about the virus's ability to go from human to human. They lied for over a week. Your "hoax" bs is just that and it has been proven over and over that Trump was not calling the virus a hoax but the MSM and dems narrative was what was the hoax. If you are not aware of that you either have not been following the coronavirus situation for long or you're just a dumb *****. Either way I have no desire to take the time educate your dumb ass.
  15. Everyone in business knows that you don't make a firm decision today that can be put off until tomorrow. Make that decision when you have to along with gathering up the most and latest information.
  16. I'm not sure I understand why the government entities have to decide today what's going to happen 4-6 weeks from now. One would think that they would follow things closely enough that they could keep extending the shutdown by a week or two if needed. Again, I guess they could be trying to lower expectations.
  17. Is that why you tried to pass off January 7th and 12th as important dates? See, this is why I called you dishonest. I picked one point out and you responded with a lie. I have no desire to respond to all of your false statements because I'm pretty sure I'd just get more of the same from you.
  18. Remember people, Trump had to rebuild our military. Obama had depleted the stocks of spare parts and ammunition to a level that was scary. Planes couldn't fly and servicemen were actually short of ammunition when they were in war zones. Trump had to pay the democrat's price to get additional military funding which was them getting an equal amount of money for social programs.
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