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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That is exactly what you don't want to do if you don't want to get charged with some degree of murder.
  2. This is as fvcked up as it gets. An intruder is in your house and it's a non-criminal situation? "Eliminate the risk of accidental shooting in non-criminal situation". When you call the cops you tell them that you just shot someone. I guarantee you they'll get there in a hurry and the intruder will have second thoughts about doing anything else but practicing compliance.
  3. Have you ever had a gun pointed at you? I can guarantee you that aren't going to be looking up the odds of actually getting shot while you are looking down that barrel.
  4. If he turns to run then the fact that Chef Jim is pointing a gun at him rather than a spatula is what most likely saved the day. The purpose of the gun is not to put someone in prison but to keep the intruder from harming anyone in the house.
  5. Maybe when it comes time she can just hold off those contractions a little longer?
  6. Yes, this was one of your links: 2015: 102 Burglary Homocides https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/expanded_homicide_data_table_10_murder_circumstances_by_relationship_2015.xls Pretty slick. Did you actually think you could get that one by me? Of course there won't be as many homos killed in a burglary as normal people. Did you count how many of them got slapped to death? Your long term absence has affected your posting skills. While you never were the best, at least you used to be able to keep up with Crayonz. Not to upset your self of steam but you might need to get yourself some Super Beets and Ginkgo Biloba in order to keep up with the rest of us. Just stay away from TH3's magical elixir that not only kills all viruses but can put a really nice shine on the glass walls of an aquarium.
  7. Gary, looking for a nut: Gary, finding his kind of nut:
  8. Don't let him fool you, he's still into Tide pods.
  9. Yes, he had a little trouble with the wiggly ball but it was hell to pay to try to slip one inside on him.
  10. If we only all took the TH3 fish tank cleaner we could kill this illness in its tracks.
  11. That's on par with asking how a hot fudge sundae and a pothole are connected. Dumbass.
  12. Now Gene, just because you were recently conjured up doesn't give you the right to conjure up statistics. First of all your figure of 100 burglary homicides per year in the U.S. does not sound right. In addition, you've narrowed it down too much. I suggest you conjure up a link and include all instances of home invasion, robbery, burglary, rape, etc. We wouldn't want to be arguing a false premise, now would we?
  13. Something that doesn't seem to have been recognized as a real strength of DJT throughout his presidency is his ability to cut through red tape. Buffalo_Gal mentioned the Honeywell plant in Rhode Island that was set up and started production in 5 weeks when 9 months would have been typical. That is phenomenal and there is no doubt in my mind that Trump, if not directly involved set the tone for this to happen. He's the Git Er Done President. The Honeywell plant that just opened up will be making N95 masks.
  14. The common mask that you see most people wearing or even the homemade ones that have a fairly high thread count will generally protect the people the mask wearer meets. It can provide some protection for the wearer. Remember the wearer can breath in but the mask limits the distance the wearer can project any droplets. So, wearing a mask helps a person to not spread the virus in case they have it.
  15. What's dumber, that or the @TH3 fish tank cleaner cure for the virus?
  16. That's the dumbest post here today. You are now in the running for the weekly dumbest post.
  17. One must hand it to BillSTime though. Every time he posts something here he moves me an inch or two closer to seeing the value of abortion.
  18. It's facts vs. feelzs. Also, when it comes to discussion between conservatives and liberals invariably the liberal displays a lack of tolerance. Their idea of a compromise is "this is what I want, now give it to me".
  19. Sounds like good reasons to wear underwear and pants.
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