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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Yes, those U.S. citizens who were then quarantined once they landed here? You're arguing with intentional liars. When they claim they are not lying they are just tossing another lie on the fire. If the new hotshot attorney isn't JA or Crayola64 then we have just another Al Sharpton wannabee spouting no facts but trying to make the narrative about his stolen terms that mean nothing in this particular situation.
  2. That flag is on the back end of the vehicle in front of the Beamer.
  3. Well you're a little chinkee kinky anyways. BREAKING NEWS: Leader Kim, while suffering from the state of brain deadness played 18 holes of golf today. He was able to score a solid 17 on the 18-hole course, 3 strokes off his record.
  4. The only problem is that you don't own the "Snowflake List". You and your ilk are so unoriginal that you had to try to take the pejorative term and claim it as your own. It's a major fail on your part and if you had any sense whatsoever you'd be embarrassed.
  5. There are none so blind as those that refuse to see. I twice gave you some reasonable advice about how to navigate your way here. Not only did you fail to heed it but you came up with accusations against me that had no merit. What fake news or hoaxes did I spread? Then, as if on cue you called DR a "snowflake". People on the left here started using that description awhile back whenever they failed to be able to state their case on a matter. It's funny, that used to be what we on the right would call the PC and SJW who wore their pajamas and sipped their hot chocolate in their "safe places". You specifically, most likely set a record here. You used up all your ammunition, threw your gun (powder & ball if you prefer) and then went to your last resort and called DR a "snowflake". That's some real weakshit. You came here expecting to keep your debating skills sharp while there is nothing to do in the office or court and found out that we weren't going to play your cat with a laser light game. Let me give you one more piece of advice: Hubris will always fail you in the end. Gary Busey, once again showing the sharp wit he fine tuned in the Tiberius School of Repartee.
  6. We should send this to North Korea. I bet it would get Rocket Man's heart going again.
  7. You can't even stay focused on the issue, you arrogant prick. Whether or not you you have me on your fake news list:
  8. You're complicating the issue for your own purposes. I can't legally shoot and kill you for no legal reason. If I could, then I can see the argument for abortion. The bolded above is a crockofshit. The constitution is not a "living document". Just because we and our tools have evolved doesn't mean the essence of the Constitution has. I doubt you'd try to use that argument in a legitimate courtroom setting.
  9. DR intimated that you might be a Philadelphia lawyer who has had numerous screen names here (John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Beginner's Mind) mainly because of your dogged determination to win every single point regardless of its importance or validity. Another poster asked if you worked in a laundromat because the dumbest poster here has been accused of doing so for years. Normally I wouldn't make fun of a person because of their job but this person took 3 years to get named Chief Laundry Folder. It was obviously a slam on you, good natured or not. I asked what your profession was because your posts all sounded like a lawyer, plus you had mentioned something from law school. I actually was wondering if you had passed the Bar. When you mentioned that you are a lawyer/writer it made me think of a prick called Crayola64 who bragged about his success as a lawyer and writing professor while slipping up and claiming that his only court appearances were an arraignment and being 3rd Chair on a case. On the odd chance that you were him I wanted to know in order to cut the conversation off immediately. You have categorized me as a hoaxer and a fake news purveyor. While that may seem like a brilliant observation on your part it couldn't be further from the truth. You came in here with an air of superiority plus a familiarity that only long-term posters or big-time bullshitters have. Again, you should have lurked awhile.
  10. I'm sure he's spent a great deal of time scouting PPP. We may not have a lot of vegetables but the ones that we do are all pro level.
  11. The last few exchanges here are exactly the reason why Chef questioned your abilities. There are very good reasons why you were asked the questions you were asked. If you are to be believed that you are not a reincarnation of another poster then you have recklessly entered the fray here without doing your homework, on par with asking a witness in court a question you don't already have the answer to. If you want to practice your debating skills here like you indicated then come prepared and don't think it will be like some Whack-A-Mole game. You should have lurked for awhile.
  12. The idea that China may not have knowingly unleashed the virus on the rest of the world is downright ludicrous. At the same time that China shut down all flights within China they were allowing people to fly from China to all other countries. There are no excuses for this. China deliberately allowed this virus to spread worldwide and kill 100,000's and send the world into a depression. ***** China and the dragon they rode in on.
  13. It almost killed Fredo. One day he was cooped up in his basement doing his show and keeping away from his family and the next day he was out with his family at a homesite looking to get into a fracas with some guy riding a bike.
  14. Now stop and think about the bolded above. That doesn't even make any sense.
  15. This is what you figure is an appropriate response? Your approach would get you put in jail. You lose an argument so you try to clown yourself out of the discussion?
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