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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Who cares about your contrived lists, created to make you seem important in some way? You came here as an idiot and continue to validate that with every one of your posts.
  2. Oh goody, DiBlasio (the guy that wanted to still have a St Patrick's Day Parade and encouraged people to go out to restaurants & bars well into March) is in charge of a tri-state program to trace people. Good choice. -)
  3. I bet you're very greasy but not as tough as you think.
  4. Confused say...............................................................................
  5. Lock on to them every time the Russian jets harass them. If they continue to harass them shoot one down. In the future they'll take note when they get locked on to, if they even dare additional harassment.
  6. Due to your unabashed advocacy they have named HCQ Phosphate after you. TH3 is the new miracle cure. It also has a rock solid guarantee that it will eliminate Covid-19 from any human and if any is left over it makes an excellent fish tank cleaner.
  7. You got it all wrong. Didn't your SJW friends tell you that you are supposed to eat the ***** and grab the ham sandwich? No wonder strong conservative men are preferred to pajama wearing/hot chocolate drinking males by woman at a 4 to 1 margin. You should have listened to him.
  8. I like people who get things done vs. the Obamas of this world who like to color red lines in the sand and man previously unmanned monuments in order to keep them closed during a government shutdown. Viva La our Git Er Done president!
  9. Looks like the State has redefined things and came up with their own Hypocritical Oath.
  10. Trump is nothing like the Son of God. He goes around swearing and grabs female clams at will. He's nothing like I would encourage my son to be like. On the other hand, he gets shitdone like no other president.
  11. You forgot to mention their control of all money and their exploitation of anyone that is blonde haired and blue eyed.
  12. Reading through the last couple of pages or so it seems apparent that everyone, including the bleeding heart SJW's, have taken Trump's virus team's advice and are embracing it. It's good to see you all praising Trump's leadership and direction against this scourge. It's really nice and heartwarming to see everyone getting behind our president to the extent that I'm almost believing that even the Lefties who previously have bashed Trump over everything, have now realized who our real leader is and that his competence has appeared to save the day for our country. Thank you libs for insisting that everyone follows the path that Trump has set forth.
  13. If you plan on posting here that screen name will cause you all kinds of grief. Of course if you are a democrat it lets people know how you really feel.
  14. This isn't the first time you posted "wide right" but you did it under another screen name then. Once an asswhole, always an asswhole.
  15. You are out of your mind. That is not true. There was a couple of process crimes that had nothing to do with Trump's campaign and we've since found out that those were set up.
  16. One would think that only the more seriously ill are being given HCQ. The people that are not seriously ill or have no symptoms to be included in this equation is ludicrous.
  17. So, there was no tax on medical devices and equipment included in the ACA? Do you have a link that shows who the medical professionals were that knew in early January that human to human transmission was possible? What is your opinion regarding China keeping quiet not only about the human to human transmissions but the virus itself until they had hoarded a shitload of PPE's? How about shutting down flights inside China but letting people fly all over the world?
  18. There's this new drug recommended by @TH3 that seems to cure the disease. The nice part of it is that it also cleans fish tanks. Experts suggest cleaning the fish tanks first.
  19. Yep. WHO won't even have to change their stationary. Wuhan Health Organization has a nice ring to it.
  20. Don't let them fool you, those are the La Brea Tar Pits.
  21. Congratulations, your posts now rival those of BillsTime, Q-something and Tiberius.
  22. You are posting just like the people we suspected you of being. The whole reason I wanted to know if you were Crayola64 was to avoid this veryshit. Your tactic of just throwing a lot of erroneous crap out there and not quoting any facts is why I wanted to avoid you in the first place. You are a waste of time. ***** off. One last time. Learn to comprehend you idiot.
  23. To Whom It May Concern: Of the 40,000 people returning from China, the vast majority who were American citizens were screened upon return and then told to voluntarily quarantine themselves. It was needed to be done this way because the forced encampments have not yet been completed.
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