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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. This is the part out of the CDC guidelines that you quoted: From the CDC: Immediate signs and symptoms of chlorine exposure During or immediately after exposure to dangerous concentrations of chlorine, the following signs and symptoms may develop: Blurred vision Burning pain, redness, and blisters on the skin if exposed to gas. Skin injuries similar to frostbite can occur if it is exposed to liquid chlorine Burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes Coughing Chest tightness Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Thesemay appear immediately if high concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled, or they may be delayed if low concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled. Fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) that may be delayed for a few hours Nausea and vomiting Watery eyes Wheezing I say again, science and medicine matter. Science and medicine work. Note the parts in red that reference "dangerous concentrations". I never said that dangerous concentrations were ok. Those are words that you have been trying to put in my mouth.
  2. This is the 2nd time in the last hour that you've responded to one of my posts in a nonsensical manner. The above doesn't address my post in any way.
  3. I don't know of anyone here at PPP who thinks anything differently than this.
  4. I would assume that brainstorming sessions are not necessarily uncommon in the scientific world. Also, accidental discoveries do happen. After all we ended up with a blue diamond shaped blood pressure pill that became one of the most popular drugs ever for other reasons. Swallowing bleach certainly doesn't seem like the thing to do but there are other ways like you stated above, and even something as simple as possibly breathing it in. I know I've breathed in bleach just by using it for cleaning. I don't remember any side affects and there may very well be some benefits.
  5. No, Cuomo only has tv skits with his quarantined brother who was only quarantined when he was on tv. I especially like the parts when they would argue about who mom liked best.
  6. Now that you bring it up @TH3did mention Chloroquine Phosphate as a treatment for Covid-19. Most thinking people might question the wisdom of doing so because the package clearly states "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION". Chloroquine Phosphate does have an excellent history of getting rid of the virus. Most common side effects are death and yes, more death.
  7. A treatment for the symptoms of Lyme disease is daily sessions in an infrared sauna.
  8. https://genesiustimes.com/us-treasury-honors-ocasio-cortez-with-new-zero-cents-aoc-coin/?fbclid=IwAR0FUqvftyJeF-Fzez65LiTdtpjk6WBhE9BnwPu_l6doJdp9pTh79mRImbI
  9. Your next serious post will be your first. Maybe you would have felt more fulfilled if you had went to clown school instead of law school.
  10. irony [ˈīrənē] NOUN the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms: sarcasm · sardonicism · dryness · causticity · sharpness · acerbity · acid · [more] a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. "the irony is that I thought he could help me" synonyms: paradox · paradoxical nature · incongruity · incongruousness · peculiarity a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
  11. Let's not forget when a minimum wage increase was eliminated for American Samoa by Nancy back several years ago. Funny coincidence that she and her husband owned a lot of stock in a tuna canning company on the island. I first read that as "Fondling Fathers" and assumed it was a toast to Uncle Joe.
  12. Dr. Ben Stone can now complete his journey:
  13. Actually, I really find him boring. Time after time he refers to one list or another, as if we care. He's unoriginal, repetitive and lazy. He came here to "keep his debating skills sharp during the shutdown" and thought that his "special skills" were going to be all he needed. Well, the Crusading Counselor has found out he's no Perry Mason but more like Vinny Gambini.
  14. Always suspect motives when one entity is judged by a specific amount of money while another entity is judged by a percentage of money.
  15. Note that she disappeared about the same time as Grandma Liawatha. Sans the glasses there's quite a resemblance. At first I couldn't figure it out then I remembered that Native Americans are very closely related to the Swedish people. I think the angry persona that Greta portrays is inherited from Lizzy who got it from the Cherokee Nation.
  16. Nothing really happened in the 90's. "Big Hair" consumed that decade.
  17. Read the whole thing. . Trump was asked tonight in his briefing what he thought of Kemp's opening up things in GA. Trump firmly stated that he didn't agree completely with Kemp and had told him so.
  18. The word is that he is charming and a real delight to be around in a social setting. There's no doubt in my mind that he can be tough as nails in a business setting but his lifetime of real estate development (especially in NYC) has given him the ability to negotiate. He may start out with asking for the moon and it might sound preposterous to some but its just the opening salvo of a negotiation. Look at the fools he made of the media and how he bent the governors to his will regarding who was going to be in charge of opening up the respective states. He claimed that he had the authority to do so and everyone claimed that he didn't and even the dems brought up federalism as a point. Well he actually did have the authority due to the fact that all 50 states had a declared emergency. Using that authority is the last thing he wanted to do. Now the governors can do what they're paid to do but Trump can use the bully pulpit to encourage them to follow the guidelines. Not only is he doing what is right but he has taken the easy criticism away from the media.
  19. I was advocating the precise use of words to make a point. Accuracy is somewhat in the eye of the beholder.
  20. A lot of posters post without thinking and are less than precise in their words. Section8 has fun making 3 page arguments out of the lack of preciseness. He fails to look at the big picture but goes on and on about mundane things where he gets his jollies about winning a point. I wonder what list I'm going to be put on now?
  21. Depending on where and who you get the definition from Trump may have been right by saying that America wouldn't have a pandemic. Pandemics are considered "worldwide". Can America have a worldwide flood?
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