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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. No matter what she does to rehabilitate her image I'm still going to see "Heels Up Harris".
  2. It'll be interesting to see how some people are covered up for.
  3. BREAKING NEWS: NYS decided that 4400 of them from the feds was actually sufficient enough for them to lend some to other states. In a press briefing at 2:00 am today Andrew Cuomo admitted that he mistakenly said 40,000 were needed rather than 4,000. When questioned further, all he could say was "oops". Now that the U.S. has narrowed down the need for ventilators, they realize that ordering 110,000 more on a rush basis may have been a wee bit premature. Plans for a Going Out of Business Sale is scheduled for the Fall of 2020 where the state of the art ventilators are expected to go for pennies on the dollar. Andrew further noted that he saw no need to stockpile some in case of future pandemics because it was just "easier to ration their use".
  4. You should try the Brazilian Epenesas. Tan & Tall.
  5. He's a sloth, raised in the woods by a family of wolves.
  6. You've been working too hard lately. I was being sarcastic. Don't you think it's funny that you warn of using any phone numbers provided you from a post or email but then post a number? And seriously, I thought a while back that in your position and with the different rules by each state, plus multiple unions you must be pulling your hair out trying to keep things running. Good luck.
  7. Are you complaining about the only thing keeping you clinging to a semblance of life? You are barely living proof that all vegetables are not good for a person. You're like iceberg lettuce, no nutritional value but very shittable.
  8. Situated nicely between two oceans with a wall to the south and a country more occupied with maple syrup, bacon and fake eyebrows, America enjoys the natural protections of those oceans and the unnatural protections of the cannon fodder to the north. America is ideally situated and proves the old adage that location, location, location is the most important factor in choosing a location.
  9. Common sense would cause a reasonable person to assume that the people getting the drug are in more serious condition. We know, it hasn't been studied and gone through lengthy trials. I know that dosage level, frequency and the point in time to give it to a patient has not been determined yet. I also know that it has been considered safe in other uses. I also know that if the patient and their doctor think it will help that it should be given to the patient. ONE MORE POINT, WE CAME TO THIS CONCLUSION RIGHT HERE HOURS AGO. WE WERE IN AGREEMENT. WTF ARE WE REHASHING IT?
  10. He knew not to ingest fish tank cleaner to cure a virus.
  11. No, that would take a little common sense, wouldn't it?
  12. HAHAHAHA. Wasn't it you who complained about 30 million dosages being ordered when we don't know with certainty how well it will work? Now you're telling us that you're afraid of a shortage for other uses? No bias on your part, eh?
  13. Certain media outlets decided not to cover the briefings live and to just report on what they think is important. In other words they want to censure everything that won't make Trump look bad. Coincidentally this decision was made when Trump's popularity started to go up. Those media outlets thought that the briefings were taking the place of Trump's rallies.
  14. Seriously, you're going to repeat that crap? Who do you think gets the HCQ treatment, people who have very little symptoms or those that are seriously ill?
  15. He sees no future, he's Canadian. Besides, it must hurt to recognize every day that we're his daddy, that his country only exists because we allow it.
  16. Just heard from John Roberts of Fox News that there's a company that is putting a UV light down the breathing tube on patients and it looks promising. I didn't catch all of it but John ended with "President Trump was absolutely right yesterday". Hmmmn.
  17. Obviously you don't like Trump. Think about this though_____________________he's never worn fake eyebrows and/or dressed up like the Village People.
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