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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You mean you didn't really mean what you posted above? How can anyone trust what you say? I certainly wouldn't ask you to write up a contract for me if you are going to be that sloppy.
  2. You are supposedly an attorney. I'm not sure I'd allow you to work for me. I like accurate people, accomplished in their field.
  3. I brought this up a decade ago when arguing against the ACA.
  4. That is a foolish statement not based in the reality of the situation. Where are the tenants going to come from if half the people are working from home?
  5. You are asking that of a guy who thought the Federal Reserve should have been called in to fight the war in Iraq.
  6. I wonder if any of those pictures come from times a few years ago. I'm old enough to remember that there were times that you could clearly see the San Gabriel Mountains from downtown LA. In fact a few hundred years ago LA was called "The Valley of Smoke".
  7. Usually transparency is a good thing. Your antics can be seen through and no matter how hard you try you're not going to dominate this board. Now with that said, do you have any curiosity why people here compare you to past posters? The traits that you and they have in common are not very admirable to say the least. It's true that I disagree with you politically, but that's not why you get criticism from me. It's disdain that I feel for you and that is directly related to your arrogance, pomposity and deliberate dishonesty in stating information. Basically you're an asswhole.
  8. Not unless Trump is running for Prime Minister of Canada.
  9. Link, or is this just another bit of made up horseshit from you?
  10. The coronavirus is so bad we have to change the way we vote, invent solar powered airplanes, fish only from canoes, forget about planting gardens, give up painting and pay off all the debt from Illinois's pensions. That's one bad virus. No wonder we can still buy weed.
  11. An English translation of the adhan: I wonder how it would be viewed if no other religion was worthy of worship than Christianity and it was broadcast 5 times a day in any American city?
  12. It is somewhat important that you identify the right guy. Excusing yourself for sloppiness/incorrectness is not a good look.
  13. How do you reconcile this from your OP with the statement above? "For the record I have no problem with the Bills drafting a QB. Backup QB is very important in the NFL especially now with all the mobile QBs. There were better options for Buffalo than Fromm. Believe me." You skated that back better than an NHL defenseman.
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