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Everything posted by julian

  1. dude your crazy!! edwards is wayyy better
  2. yes!! these threads are my people.... i need the post season very much and dont give a rats a$$ about a petty minor vehicle infraction, GO BILLLS GO MARSHAWN!!!!
  3. i love marshawn the PLAYER and cant wait till he takes out all of his frustrastions on opposing Lb's. dont care that he made a mistake, dont care that he's choosen to listen(wisely) to his lawyers, dont care that a FEW peeps on a message board now think he's a punk and when december rolls around and the bills are playing for a wildcard spot, i'm thinking those few whom have failed to support marshawn will be back in the fold. this kid is going nowhere, and im happy for that. I need him to play so my favourite team has a really good shot at the post season, is that not why fans watch sports(to be entertained) from what i've seen on this board there seems to be 3 camps, the first being , we dont know all the facts and lets let the process play out before passing judgement. then theres the he made a mistake and now he's a scumbag, piece of chit loser and the bills suck because they have not turned him in. then there seems to be the group i've settled into, the i dont give a chit group and lets prey he does not miss any playing time because its football that is important, not a 23yr old kids apparent lack of character. i think there are only a few members of the "hes a scumbag" group, but those few seem to be very outspoken. i dont need a 23 yr old kid to be my moral compass, i need him to score tds and thats all im concerned about.
  4. thank you... i feel the same way, if the dude did not INTENTIONALLY hurt a women , child or a senior then i dont give a chit and i want him on the field helping the bills come september
  5. football is entertainment (mine atleast) and i just dont give a rats a$$ how the players conduct themselves anywhere other then the field. A few kids party and make a mistake and i'm supposed to be all offended, umm no thanks. i have family and friends to whom i hold high standards and could care less that marshawn is a rude self absorbed prick. the bills are my escape from the real world and i need marshawn on the field so i can cheer and jump around like a fool after he carries a few defenders into the endzone. cant remember the last time i sat around and bragged to my friends how the bills players are such great citizens. i hope marshawn plays every down this year and playoffs are reached because thats what im in this for, not to say my team is full of good guys...its entertainment and i want to be entertained !!
  6. im not disagreeing that this team is a jason peters injury away from being in trouble...Having a jason peters at LT is awsome and i dare say he would start for atleast 25 other teams. you cant have every base covered, its just not gonna happen . If we (GOD FORBID) need the back up to come in its gonna be a gigantic dropoff no matter who we drafted or brought in. the talent level of a jason peters cant be matched with your back up, if hes hurt were in trouble just like almost every other team with a high end left tackle.
  7. stats dont tell the story...the time the qb was afforded on those attempts was far greater then in previous years and this line will be even better in year 2 together..i have watched some of the worse ol play over the last decade from this team, until last season. Greatly improved and on the right track.
  8. I love getting sucked in every offseason, I mean I really do enjoy telling any and everybody within earshot just why this year is gonna be different. I cant imagine how hard it must be for bills fans who dont get excited every offseason, thats sounds awful and i feel bad for them. I love the fact this team is like the 3rd youngest (?) in the league and we have a core group that if they play up to potential, we can have a nice 5-7 year run. Marshawn is a man, and with hardy's physicality on the outside this offense in just 2 short years has transformed from small and (wannabe)fancy to big and agressive. I believe the def even more so then the offense has become tough!
  9. I think mckelvin is gonna be neck and neck with hester for return tds this year, something that nate was OK at but not at this kids level. The team will tell McGee they need him to be the #1 guy and concentrate soley on cb, so as not to hurt any ego. They love Mckelvin at cb no doubt, but i assure you that they are drooling at the idea this kid could give them what hester gives the bears, he was that good in the return game at Troy!
  10. ummm...take another read of the first 9 words of my reply, i was told it would be fun and indeed it was. But i still dont care nor would i argue my point of view.
  11. oh ok...so pick a side and fight, nice. Well I liked jp before Trent and after watching Trent in his rookie year play the way he did, I now like him more. I dont think JP thinks hes been treated as bad as many of his fans do. He did call himself out last year before the jags game and did not play the way he needed, even he said as much. So whats the beef? is it because he's such a nice guy? that sounds silly no? Jp lacks the ability to QUICKLY read a defense move the chains(so far) Im not gonna attack a kid who has tried to embrace the city and seems to be a very hard worker, but maybe some here should give the new kid a chance to do some of those same things, he may surprise. bottom line is fans dont run players outta town like i've read here so many times, players play themselves outta town. dude you were right! way bettter then holding hands and sing alongs.
  12. Why do fans care one way or another if a fellow fan happens to agree or disagree with thier thoughts on who the better qb is? Is it because its the qb or would the same apply at another position...if one feels jp is the man and a number of fans disagree, why give a chit? same with the trent believers. Look, i dont care one way or another who the next guy thinks should be the qb. I know what i see when i see it and i have my thoughts on who i think it should be, but i just dont care if im in the minority or the majority.
  13. They finally overspend big time on 2 players - who signficantly underperformed their huge contracts I think if you look at our line play last year compared to the year before without those two players, its absurd to come to your conclusion...i believe they gave up the least amount of sacks in team history, in thier FIRST year together as a unit and im sure the run blocking will improve as year two progresses
  14. dramatic, maybe. I think though he is dead on and i believe trent will make the 2nd year leap and lead this team, if he regresses then no playoffs. no excuses for trent or whoever is under center this team has the pieces to be a wildcard, just need the QB leadership. I think we have the the right guy taking the snaps to get it done!
  15. Did anyone see the clip of Mckelvin(spell?) saying he was coming after D.Hester's spot as the best returner in the league? After learning more and seeing his clips im Pumped!! The ability to allow McGee to concentrate solely on cb will payoff big time. Casserley on NFL networked picked him for def rookie of the year consideration because of his return game aswell as his defense, for whatever thats worth. J.Hardy looks like because of his monster size that he could have an impact much sooner then could normally be expected. How the hell is he gonna be defended 1 on 1 once he gets it! The dude will be almost 8 inches taller then just about every corner covering him, he ran like what a 4.51 40 time at his size, gimme a freaking break. I'm feeling good about the front office decisions as far as the other 6 guys(hopeful), but Mckelvin and Hardy i believe will make a big impact on this years team and our return to the playoffs will become a reality if trent takes what i expect to be a big year 2 jump in progress.
  16. I think the ability to renew ones hope/enthusiasm is really the underlying issue here, you're right on there. Some people(self incl) after some period of time can let it go and hope to the future. I'm not saying you cant have the negative feelings about how you're beloved team is being managed(woulda liked TE in 3rd) or how they've been managed in recent years(playoffs?). Without a QB for the last 12 years(trent=fingers crossed) the playoffs have not really been a reasonable expectation(1999 #1 def) So i just wanted to say if your like me and come back every year thinking this is the year then you should really be thankful that you have the ability to do so(even if misguided) And to those who have a tougher time seeing through the rose coloured glass, this could be the year!!
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