i love marshawn the PLAYER and cant wait till he takes out all of his frustrastions on opposing Lb's.
dont care that he made a mistake, dont care that he's choosen to listen(wisely) to his lawyers, dont care that a FEW peeps on a message board now think he's a punk and when december rolls around and the bills are playing for a wildcard spot, i'm thinking those few whom have failed to support marshawn will be back in the fold.
this kid is going nowhere, and im happy for that. I need him to play so my favourite team has a really good shot at the post season, is that not why fans watch sports(to be entertained) from what i've seen on this board there seems to be 3 camps, the first being , we dont know all the facts and lets let the process play out before passing judgement. then theres the he made a mistake and now he's a scumbag, piece of chit loser and the bills suck because they have not turned him in.
then there seems to be the group i've settled into, the i dont give a chit group and lets prey he does not miss any playing time because its football that is important, not a 23yr old kids apparent lack of character. i think there are only a few members of the "hes a scumbag" group, but those few seem to be very outspoken. i dont need a 23 yr old kid to be my moral compass, i need him to score tds and thats all im concerned about.