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Everything posted by julian

  1. JP sucks, Fowler sucks, Schobel is getting worse. McKelvin needs work not only in the back field but also in the return game. Like every other team in this league the Bills have thier share of warts, but they go into the bye at 4-1 and get some players back. listen...it does not matter what anybody thinks of JP's play, hes the backup because the Bills found a starter in the 3rd round. JP will be gone next year(thank god) not only because i dont like him as a QB but these JP vs Trent rants are retarded. If your a fan of JP, then great, you'll have fun watching him play elsewhere. End of story. I'm not loyal to the person behind the mask, only to the player on the field. If Trent ends up being chit like JP then i wont want him around either.
  2. i wish his health would become an issue....the dude is chit and we need a change there, but hes not alone on that line.
  3. after watching that play again, Lee had to slow down and wait on the ball, and had the safety not taken a very bad angle on the play it would have been picked or broken up at the least. i think a beautiful throw is one that is dropped in over the shoulder of the reciever while in stride. JP just threw it as far as he could and luckily Lee had the cb beat for 15 yds and could afford to slow down and wait. JMO
  4. we better hope so, its painfully obvious we dont have any answers at the postion after Trent.
  5. im all for replacing Peters, but if we dont also replace Fowler, Butler and Walker then im afraid its not gonna matter much in the long run.
  6. wow...hes gotta be one of the worse lineman in the league, the undersized sack of chit gets blown up almost every play.
  7. if he looks like JP out there, then yes i will be raggin. I want the QB to help win ball games, being a "good guy" with a broom means very little too most bills fans IMO.
  8. the entire team sucked a$$ today. That being said, JP is not a good QB and im gonna be very happy when he is long gone.
  9. yeah that 8-5 record looks much worse
  10. no worries there....no team in the east is gonna start this guy after seeing him upclose twice a year, he just cant process information quick enough to be a top QB in this league.
  11. the fact that we can argue about Edwards top 10 status is incredible...12 starts and getting better with every outing.
  12. big Willie was a RT
  13. Because he did not do what he did in the 4th QTR against an all out blitz every down takes nothing away from Edwards stellar play...to think that it makes it any less of an acomplishment is kind of stupid. IMO
  14. i guess we better get used to all the trollin we are seeing....3-0 and only getting better. The winning brings them outta the woodwork.
  15. The bills knew what they were getting when they selected him and he has been everything they wanted and more according to all accounts. He is the undisputed leader of the 5th ranked defense in the NFL and hes doing it in his 3rd year...now thats reality !!!
  16. thank you i wonder sometimes if people actually watch these games
  17. But they did lose those players, it happened and Oakland adjusted and Trent torched them and end of story. WE could be 0-3 or 1-2 or 2-1. 3-0 is the record and that has much,much more to do with the Bills play then that of thier oppenents. coulda woulda shoulda....blah blah blah....im not gonna make excuses for our record cause maybe Oakland shoulda played defense differently in the 4th QTR. 60 min game...the bills played till the whistle and 0:00 on the game clock and earned a win that they easily coulda lost to a very very good defensive team.
  18. yeah his play sure was awful on Marshawns first TD run....you know, the one where jason pulled out front of Marshawn and rolled over not 1 but 2 defenders. time to give it a rest dude....your Peters rants are old.
  19. yup they had a terrific defensive package in place for this game and im sure future teams we play will watch the film and try and duplicate some of those ideas. But here is the problem most if not all of those teams will have, just because the raiders made it look easy does not mean that it was or will be in the future. To play that press man coverage you damn well better make sure you have 2 not 1, but 2 shut down corners. Lets give the Raiders some credit, they have the DBs to play that coverage and they did a great job for most of the game. "prevent" defense, i dont think so, Parrish TD throw was a thing of beauty and as good a throw as you'll see in the NFL, with a 300plus LB lineman smashing him in the grill. I hope the Rams coaches are stupid enough to play that press man coverage on the bills....Trent who is a SMART qb will also watch the film from this past sunday and learn and adjust. If the Rams try it with what they have on the corners, Trent makes em pay big time.
  20. If someone was saying that Whitner is in the class of Sanders or Reed then i would have to say that they are homers...but if you are trying to say that Whitner is not a very good safety who has much room to improve then i have to assume that you must be a troll or you really have no idea what your talking about.
  21. "the only reason" Lynch was awsome today, but come on already
  22. yeah, and the fans never got then what they got today...a leader.
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