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Everything posted by julian

  1. Yeah I’m sure they were prepared if the trade option for a #1 wasn’t available
  2. I think the argument is they needed a #1 right away and Diggs was just that, Jefferson or any of the other WRs were more of hope they’d be a #1 at some point. It was the right move at the time got the Bills.
  3. Just wrong about Josh changing his aggressive physical running style. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wanna see a single designed QB until the playoffs, but I wanna see him rolling out and taking off using his god given size and mobility.
  4. I hope you’re wrong, watching him be who he is as a competitor is exhilarating. I know for many it’s all about winning a title, but for me it’s about the journey and enjoying this once in a lifetime talent use all his gifts. I focused on the end results in the late 80s and 90s and never really enjoyed and appreciated the team.
  5. Of course it will and for the next 5-6 years people will be scared and insisting he must change until his age does what he will not.
  6. Some fans just love the attention of swimming against the current.
  7. Sadly it happens, here’s to hoping Hopkins is different.
  8. Yeah I always fear for his health when he’s running and trucking people, but ***** I’m jumping outta my seat and going nuts after those highlight plays. It’s a competitive sport but it’s also entertainment and 17 is the most entertaining player in the league.
  9. That’s speculative at best, there seems to be many opinions as to why Allen had a lull in play. I totally understand people’s fears, during every Allen run I’m yelling “get down get down” I share the fear of injury but it’s into year 6 now and this is who this man is. It’s just funny listening to people have these takes about his risky play at the same time as he’s the leading Ironman.
  10. 17 is the current NFL QB Ironman while many fans and media types are using his physical play style and rushing abilities as reasons for fear and trepidation. You’re watching an absolute unicorn beast, the likes of which has never been seen with his combination of physical gifts. Sorry to break it to those who insist he change, not gonna happen. I for one hope he never does.
  11. I would love to believe Allen went to Diggs some time after the season and said “ love you bro, but if you ever show me up publicly like that again I’ll put you into the ground like a tent pole”
  12. Witness protection hiding from the east coast mob ?
  13. Picked the Giants for no particular reason, Von needs to be back for the 2nd half when the schedule gets tough.
  14. Wow.. your 1.2 concern level has me thinking I’m way off and maybe I should go back to see if my opinion on his play last season.
  15. I would definitely add White as a player to watch in the coming weeks, he needs to bounce back and be better than last years version.
  16. The window is less about Allen’s age and much more about how much help the organization gives him with roster building and coachees
  17. I have a buddy at work who stills brings this every time he tries to convince people the Bills aren’t going 17-0 lol that game will live on forever for a great deal of fans, I woulda forgotten it a week later if not for the constant reminders
  18. I think it means, stop with the ridiculous QB ranking lists that have anyone other than Mahomes ahead of Allen.
  19. Yeah nobody will give a damn if you win, again I’m not saying they shouldn’t have paid for Rodgers, If I were a Jets fan I’m all in. I was just pointing out that life after Rodgers will coincide with all those young players no longer on rookie contracts and no QB. I guess the bottom line is you either have a QB or you don’t and the remainder of your roster is just there.
  20. I’m not saying it wasn’t the right move, I’m just saying if it doesn’t result into a deep run and then Rodgers is out the door after this year or next and all those elite rookies are looking for their bag and now you have no QB. thats a tough spot.
  21. That’s a horrible spot to be in, paying elite money for elite players and no QB, brutal
  22. Waiting until divisional round is too long for some folks
  23. Yeah I would also have Mahomes at #1 and I’d have Allen #2 but ultimately Allen most likely ends up somewhere in the top 10. I also appreciate the back and forth. cheers !!
  24. If you honestly believe he’s “far” from being the leagues best player after being one of only 2 QBs to garner MVP votes 3 years running along with Mahomes being the only 2 QBs to win their divisions 3 straight years… then we have a difference of opinion. I’m not even arguing he is the best player, it was the idea only his teammates and division rivals could possibly think that… that’s absurd, but I respect your point of view I just don’t agree.
  25. Lol what… he’s costing them games ? They went 13-3 and won the division 3 years running, put some respect on that man’s name. it’s obvious no player is perfect, but to act like only his teammates or division rivals would consider him the best player in the league is just silly IMHO.
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