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Everything posted by julian

  1. Yeah it’s a win win relationship, good on him. He’s capitalizing on his wealth and she on her youth.
  2. The Ironman ain’t going on no stinking IR so #1 seed it is.
  3. This is one of the best Bills podcasts I’ve seen in some time, no hyperbole or fake opposite opinion 1vs1 for theatrics. Just 2 dudes who know ball and spitting facts.
  4. He makes one or two elite level throws a game, but he looks skinny and weak when I watch him play, like he’s trying to avoid being killed while playing QB. Or I’m just spoiled watching 17 truck dudes and give zero fawks about contact.
  5. lol, that’s definitely a positive, but at least with the drinks if you had enough game you had a chance of flipping for fortune, although I’m not sure how often that was accomplished lol.
  6. 100% agree with this, my sons are in their mid 20s now and one is in a stable committed relationship and the other is single. I too haven’t needed any “game” since I haven’t been single since 1990 and well before dating apps or social media lol. I met my wife when I was a teenager and she was the older sister of two of my friends from school, I think it’s a nightmare trying to navigate the dating field now watching my sons go through it. It’s too bad that approaching a woman in person to start a discussion is now looked upon as weird or creepy, because I think that’s how humans are hardwired to initiate and form bonds. The social media apps are creating a false impression that there’s always somebody better if you just click or swipe one more time. I think the advent of social media is created the single largest harm to western civilization, we’re in the middle of an experiment and we’re all along for the ride and nobody knows long term just how bad it’s going to be.
  7. Only QB in history with four straight 40+ TD seasons and counting. The NFLs current Ironman at QB and the most dynamic playmaker in the league.
  8. Yeah I’m not confident at all
  9. Yeah it’s amazing how humbling it is to be helpless like that, it’s definitely much more than brute strength or athleticism, although if you combine those traits with the incredible techniques needed at the highest levels that’s when see world champions.
  10. Very cool, yeah it’s an amazing feeling defeating another man in 1vs1 in a physical sport. Some may call that toxic masculinity these days but IDGAF lol. Yeah he’s a freak for sure.
  11. I was good in the 7th and 8th grade, then in my first high school tournament as a 9th grader my first opportunity had a 5 o’clock shadow and my wrestling career ended that year.
  12. Very cool, nice to see someone whose fandom kinda resembles mine, although your relationship with the Bills seems to have begun 20 years before mine. I also wish for a SB title but I’m just so ecstatic about this QB and this team that I refuse to focus on any negatives, I think that makes me a homer lol. Thanks for sharing that reply.
  13. Yeah that’s a total lack of good judgment to say the least, I taught my sons when they were growing up to never engage in sexual relations with women who are drinking. It’s never a good look, and I know most women that are having a good time drinking and want to hook up 99% of the time are willing participants, but it only takes one time to have your life ruined. I went so far as to tell them to just leave any private party where women are clearly drunk.
  14. I don’t know anything about him as person, I said “seems” because I’ve only seen his few interviews since joining the team. If he has an unsavoury past, it’s something I’m unaware of.
  15. It must be humbling for these massive, tough NFL players in the room when this dude walks in and they all know he could physically dominate them on the mat. He seems like such a nice guy too, that must make it all the more amazing to his teammates.
  16. I’m just an absolute Bills junkie, also an NFL addict. I visit the site everyday and multiple times a day mostly in the offseason. I just want to remind or convince myself that this obsession is normal and ok so I come here where others also suffer from this illness. I rarely post in season for two reasons, firstly I am taking in so much more NFL content that it’s more time consuming, and secondly I tend to find the forum filled with crazy talk during the season, even after wins it’s multiple threads on how poorly the team is functioning. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s some validity to the subject matter, but I’m on a massive high during the season and tend to be very happy and kind of insulate myself from Bills negativity. I actually like, prefer and interact on the forum much more during the offseason, not sure if I’m in the minority.
  17. Yes, and you’ll have company
  18. This is the on point.
  19. The Jets can’t get outta their own way, it’s incredible, Saleh isn’t a good coach imo.
  20. Yeah it’s always been a insulting comparison, Allen is what everyone thought Cam would be, but like you said Cam isn’t close when it comes to passing the ball and to be honest, Allen is a much better runner in the open field.
  21. Maybe a little less time on dumbbell curls and rolling your sleeves up at every opportunity and more time in the film room.
  22. The NFL leader in total TDs will be a 1st ballot HOFer, and he does have pro bowls. Cam Newton ? lol.. he’s going to surpass Cam sometime this year after mid season on the career TD list, Cam is 22nd so no disrespect to Cam but he’s not in Allen’s stratosphere. Enjoy the ride and don’t solely focus on a championship, we’re witnessing one of the all time greats in his prime playing for our Bills, it’s crazy.
  23. Exactly.. there is no excuse.. I would have made the change already but unfortunately I’m not the owner. I’d swap out McDermott for Tomlin yesterday.
  24. One of the best HCs in the league… needs a QB like every HC
  25. He’s gonna be a 1st ballot HOFer, the most talented, greatest duel threat QB of all time once his career is over. 17 is a freak show.
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