I feel like a hypocrite saying this, but I just finished watching Peters' chat with the media on bb.com, and I am really glad he's back.
The guy was being selfish and didn't put the team first, but he really felt entitled to a pay raise. I'm still mad about it, but he's a Bill, and when he said he wants to stay with the Bills, that really maked me happy. I kinda want to forget the mess and move forward, cause what's done is done.
I certainly do not think he went about it the right way. But he clearly outplayed his contract and is a star at the second-highest paid position in football. I know I said I was gonna boo him when I saw him Week 3, and I still might, but seeing him in that video, makes me wanna forgive him. And he does deserve a raise, but Evans comes first.
It all really got driven home for me though, when he said he wanted to stay in Buffalo. That's important. I also liked how he said he was gonna get himself ready for Sunday vs. Jax. He's right back at it.
But I hope that knucklehead does go out there and busts his arse to dominate and make the Pro Bowl again.
Maybe we should just have a short memory, forget about it and move on. What's important is he's here now. Right?