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Everything posted by lets_go_bills

  1. Oh c'mon. You are so ridiculous.
  2. We gotta represent the B-FLO!
  3. Although I did ask about 10...
  4. Victory! I had two of my questions answered.
  5. LOL. Two Bengals questions in a row
  6. LOL, I was waiting for someone to pose the Tony Gonzalez question.
  7. You asked that? Nice. That was a good question.
  8. If Schobel's bum foot his hampering him, maybe he should sit out a game and let Denney and Ellis get in there and show what they can do. With Stroud commanding double team, there's simply no excuse for the lack of sacks.
  9. These trade scenarios are nice. But they're unrealistic pipe dreams. This isn't hockey, trades just don't happen like this. Especially with the franchise tag to keep FA's from leaving.
  10. Some great questions asked and answered. I got mine put on there and answered! Thanks Tim.
  11. Weak! I figured $50,000 and a one-game suspension.
  12. Boy that's ignorant. Just because it was unstoppable and hung a lot of points on people, they bash it? They should check themselves and bash themselves for not finding a way to stop it. You can't tell me if you had an offense or defense that had an unstoppable scheme, that you wouldn't use it. Ridiculous.
  13. Peters better get his ass in gear or I'm gonna lose my mind.
  14. May? You should clone us three and insert them into the starting lineup right away.
  15. Maybe. But Miami handled NE and SD. A healthy Ronnie Brown is a scary thing. This really has been a year of parity, who can be impressed with an division really. Save for the NFC East.
  16. I remember reading in SI that Jerry is spending $1 million a day to build this new stadium. He won't go broke, he founded an oil leasing company that was retardedly successful. This new stadium is an investment that will make him more money.
  17. Not to mention that it seats 90,000 and always sells out.
  18. Nice. Number 10 is the best one.
  19. There's a shocker.
  20. Oh, I almost forgot. Last year there was this song on the radio before the Broncos game (home opener). It was awesome and hilarious. It went, "let's go Bills, buh buh buh buh Bills." It was a goofy song but really cool. They made fun of Henry and his 10 kids by 10 women in one of the verses. Did anybody else hear that song?
  21. I love the Shout song. I'm a huge fan of chanting MVP whenever Moorman does something awesome.
  22. Nice lil love from ESPN. Timmy has been a god-sent for us over at ESPN, but Jeff Chadiha says we're one of the AFC East surprises and that we're legit. He's looking for more consistency on offense and how Trent recovers from his consussion. Also, he wants to see how we come out after our next stretch of games to see if we really are here to stay amongst AFC elite. Given how we play the Chargers then three straight divisional games, I have to agree. This will be a real test. These four games will tell all and define our season. Afterwards, we'll have a clear picture of who we are and if we really are going to get to the playoffs. We're certainly off to a great start! It all hinges on Trent's recovery. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?id=3630656 Go Bills!
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