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Everything posted by lets_go_bills

  1. 1. Seats depend on your personal preference. But since this doesn't seem to be a common occurrence for you, I say go for the best you can afford! 2. Mulligan's had great wings and is accross the street from the stadium. 3. Park at one of the houses nearby, not in the stadium lots, if you want to get out fast.
  2. Congrats you genius. Mind you, when I get married I won't do it during football season. Unless it's a Saturday! Go Bills!
  3. At the risk of experiencing some backlsh, I think the refs made the right call on the Romo play. I'm not a huge fan of the tuck rule, but since it hasn't "cost" us yet, I can't complain. Besides, one day it may wind up being our saving grace. Of course, should it come to hurt us, naturally I'll curse it. Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, huh?
  4. Thank God. I love Coe College. I would be glad to have Tony, but not at the loss of Fred. We need him. The drop off from Jackson to Omon is greater than the drop off from Gonzalez to Royal.
  5. These trade rumors are running rampant. It has me spinning. I don't wanna lose Coe College.
  6. This is a crazy thread.
  7. The G-men are the best in football right now. Not coincidentally, they are also the reining Super Bowl champs.
  8. Glad to hear he's doing good. I still have his jersey. Loved the guy. Too bad that achilles injury killed his career. Yeah, he still made tackles in Philly, but he lost his explosiveness and overall playmaking ability. Before he got hurt, he was the best OLB in football. Just a dominant, well-rounded football player.
  9. You should be happy that we have a team good enough that it can sit its rookies, groom them and bring them along slowly. The fact that McKelvin, Hardy and Ellis are riding the pine most of the time is a good thing. Teams that thrust wide-eyed rookies into starting roles are usually rebuilding and lose games.
  10. I voted to stand pat. I'm not a big fan of trades when it comes to football. I'm not as down on Royal as others are. TJ is only gonna play for this year then bolt for a big money deal, besides we don't need him. TG will cost us a lot of money and while still effective, he's on the downside of his career. VD is a bust. If I had to pick a trade, I'd go with TG.
  11. I didn't know the revolution was designed to prevent concussions. That's cool. You'd think the NFL would mandate something like this. I'm 99% sure Peyton Manning wears a revolution.
  12. Welcome, but Lynch is a beast. Once the O-Line gets in groove and starts opening holes for him, he'll put up the yards. Not sure how you could see him as a bust.
  13. Yeah, but I'd be willing to bet nobody at Home Depot tackled him. I think there's a difference between doing daily things and suiting up in pads and playing the violent game of football. That said, if what you say is true, then I'm happy. That's good news and definately positive for us.
  14. Well, well, well. Nice of you to show.
  15. Buy a team, attend an owner's meeting and raise the issue. Per ESPN: According to the league, the hit on Edwards violated the rule stating that "a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down and land on top of him with all or most of the defender's weight." There's nothing dumb about having rules to prevent players from getting seriously injured. A concussion is very serious. I don't think it's dumb at all. The league looks to protect it's QBs.
  16. I find it funny, albeit not surprising, that the flakes are for purchase on ebay. Get yourself a box for only 15 bucks!
  17. No joke. Mangina gave his son the middle name Brett after Favre! http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/foot...i.ap/index.html He was also born on the same day as Brett. Weird.
  18. I'm gonna try and grab a box.
  19. That guy has all the talent and ability in the world, but just can't stay outta the hospital. Just when I thought blowing your knee out while doing tricks on crotch rockets in a parking lot was absurd, he has this happen? Seriously though, I hope it's not serious. Those of us who are males know that is an area you never want to hurt.
  20. Wake up. Yeah, the hit was clean. The ball had just left Trent's hand and the hit was clean, no problem. But the follow through and keeping his head pinned to Trent all the way, feet leaving the air, driving down, and landing on top of him with all his weight was dirty. The NFL looks to protect the passer. Wilson should have received a one game suspension.
  21. LOL, sold them in college. That avatar made me laugh a lot too. Thanks.
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