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Everything posted by lets_go_bills

  1. Why can't we just let a guy do what he does best and pay him for it. He fields a great ST unit week in and week out, so let's just pay him to do that. Let's not mess with a good thing.
  2. He probably passed out when his teamates told him they were going to gang-sodomize him for ruining their season.
  3. Hopefully Royal and Kelsay get the axe.
  4. Yup. We need a coach who'll praise guys when they deserve it but put them in their place when they slip.
  5. I'm sorry, but the memory I have of him is him snapping the ball to no one and the ball sliding up this ass crack.
  6. Dockery is just average, but he plays fairly well when next to Peters. I suppose the one positive is that he has never missed a game.
  7. Per PFT, http://www.profootballtalk.com/2008/12/28/...-in-the-shower/ Florio is reporting that Romo collapsed in the Cowboys shower. Yikes! There must be a gay joke in there somewhere...
  8. Me too. I agree with you whole-heartedly. We are a very talented team, we're just not coached well, aren't ready for our opponent and don't have a gameplan. Of course the players like him. Who wouldn't like a nice guy who always praises you and coddles you and treats you well. Jauron seems like a very nice person and a likable guy. But it doesn't change this simple fact: DICK JAURON IS A TERRIBLE FOOTBALL COACH.
  9. Jauron was so thoroughly out-coached it is just unbelievable. Jauron looked like he had no idea where he was.
  10. 1. Yup but I still love the guy. 2. He'll always just be an "okay" player. 3. He needs some help from his teamates. We were treated to Fletcher's brilliant play all those years so expectations are high. 4. So guys throw better with the glove on, it's a personal choice, I don't think it's a "tough" thing. You should go with whatever is going to help you throw better and if that's glove on, then so be it. 5. Who is Travis Mays? Are you thinking Taylor Mays? A legit FS would be a great pick and would make Whitner a better player. But DE is more pressing a need, yes. 6. He's gotta go. He cannot stay a day longer. He's 7-9 for three straight, 0-6 in the division this year and in the season finale was so thoroughly out-coached it was unbelievable. Poor clock/time management and burns a lot of timeouts in bad spots. Absolute moron.
  11. From a personal standpoint it is my Bills, but from an unbiased look at the NFL it has to be Dallas. Wow. And I couldn't be happier about it.
  12. Did you forget Tight End or are you content with Royal?
  13. He played like a guy about to hit free agency..... oh wait.
  14. You said it. Three straight 7-9 seasons is not progress. He has to go.
  15. Aside from a couple of guys, the Pats aren't all that talented. They're just so incredibly well coached that player is ready for the game and knows what they have to do.
  16. He was ready for EVERYTHING. Even the wind didn't catch him off guard.
  17. It just goes to show what can happen when you gameplan properly and when your team is actually prepared for their opponent.
  18. LOL. As I sat in my seat today they kept playing these commercials on the scoreboard. "Season's Greetings to Bills fans, especially our season ticket holders." I laughed and said, "is that the best you can do? All I wanted for Christmas was the playoffs but instead it's nine years in a row of coal."
  19. Yeah, he needs to go. Why do you think Washington let him go.
  20. The guy had an awesome gameplan. Ballsy 4th down calls, the right defensive calls, some great offensive calls. But all those can't hold a candle to what he did in the 3rd quarter. Ever the opportunist, he left his offense out on the field on 4th to go for it despite being on their own 20. The Bills, who were caught napping, trotted their defense off the field, oblivious to what was happening. Their punt return unit took the field, then they quickly noticed that they weren't punting, ran the defense back out there without a play ready and had to burn a timeout. Genius! Knowing how close the game was, he caused us to waste a valuable timeout at the start of the 3rd. I sat there in my frigid seat in absolute awe and kept saying how great a call that was. My fellow frozen fans agreed. I hate the man, but I was really taken aback at how incredible a coach he is. That stuff wins football games. Wow.
  21. Ralph better follow suit if DJ is still coach next year. Of course I'll still buy mine regardless. I'm a glutten for punishment.
  22. Yes let's play all out on the last game of the year in a meaningless game where if we win, we send Miami to the playoffs but if we lose we send New England. Yay! Is it just me or should we not "bring it" every game?
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