The guy had an awesome gameplan. Ballsy 4th down calls, the right defensive calls, some great offensive calls.
But all those can't hold a candle to what he did in the 3rd quarter. Ever the opportunist, he left his offense out on the field on 4th to go for it despite being on their own 20. The Bills, who were caught napping, trotted their defense off the field, oblivious to what was happening. Their punt return unit took the field, then they quickly noticed that they weren't punting, ran the defense back out there without a play ready and had to burn a timeout.
Knowing how close the game was, he caused us to waste a valuable timeout at the start of the 3rd. I sat there in my frigid seat in absolute awe and kept saying how great a call that was. My fellow frozen fans agreed.
I hate the man, but I was really taken aback at how incredible a coach he is. That stuff wins football games.