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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. Morriman's leg is going to be dead by the 12th game this year......
  2. You are going to be taxed the $4500 rebate you just received. The government is treating it as income and you will be paying tax toward it. Surprise!!!!!
  3. Pumps, pantyhose, panties, a nice skirt, push-up bra, and blouse buttoned up just enough......oh wait you are a guy
  4. Just a little set-up....the older guy getting punched is a mentally retarded individual....the guy punching him was the father of his kid......see for yourself.....was the Dad justified or not? I say yes.... Bet he won't do that again....
  5. That I beleive 100%
  6. New plates and fees to keep old ones Welcome to NYS where there is not a tax we don't love!!!
  7. How do I eat corn on the cob? With my bare feet...haha
  8. Unfortunately I have had the "pleasure" )of sitting next to that on a plane.....middle seat.....she occupied all 3 seats somehow.....
  9. He's the newest character in "Brokeback Mountain"
  10. My little girl is 3 and is cute as a bug....I would die for this child. The other day she was trying to "shoosh" the cat away and I asked her what she was doing and she said "I am SMUSHING tha cat"
  11. "FOREIGN CONTAMINANT....".....loved that line in Wall-E
  12. What? No glowing sea salt scrubs inbetween drills? No running to the fieldhouse if the wind blows too hard? Don't push them too hard Dick....they might shatter in this harsh summer weather......
  13. Sounds like the 13 year old could use a surrogate father "friend" in his life. How about giving him some guidance and help the best way a grown male who is a dad can do. Nobody is asking you to adopt him but how about some parental fatherly guidance since he has none in his life and surely he needs help because of his disability. If you are worried about him then let him earn your trust with your kids over time. If problems arise then just deal with it if any come along. Sounds to me like he is more mentally and socially deficient but not violent.....if you are concerned talk with his guardians and find out if he is violent and get to know this kid before passing judgement. Just my 2 cents.....
  14. Wow how creative....using a re-hashed early 90's no huddle that all teams know how to gameplan for.....just FYI the Pats were doing mostly 5 wide during thier 16-0 regular season...hope our defense is in shape because you are looking at 45:00 of field time..
  15. some position they do not need like a ...... Running back or Safety or Wide Receiver I do not put it past them.....the front office has been severly lacking and the worse thing is they fall in love with how good they think they are in drafting.
  16. 4 p.m. - 4:05- Hose self off to give the illusion of sweat 4:06pm- walk 3 steps to give illusion of hard breathing before reporter calls
  17. Just have his agent call the Redskins...they will pay anything to get anyone these days
  18. I can hear it now... "Hello Jason this is Russ Bran-...." *click*
  19. Jauron is a wimpy coach who makes wimpy decisions and coddles his players and then says how great a player they are after that player blows it for whatever reason.... Unfortuantely Ralph has a man crush on him so he is not going anywhere for a while....unfortunately
  20. I guess he took the sails out of his wind
  21. I find it interesting that people who spend the most time complaining and whining about the current economic recession have little if nothing to offer in terms of a solution...just complaints and whining about "socialism". The President is at least TRYING to do something about the mess that was left to him from the previous administration. Even if it works or not he is TRYING and if anyone else in this country have a better idea to stop the bleeding then speak up...otherwise be quiet. By the way...this "socialism" garbage is not going to happen.....the government is trying to stop a potential depression by stepping in and helping as best it can even though mistakes were made. Corporate greed on Wall Street is to blame.......
  22. I can see Indy all over again....McCargo gets traded...fails physical...trade gets voided....back he comes
  23. She is a smart and bright little girl with only on exception. We are in the middle of potty training (4-6 months now)She seems to have trouble telling us when she has to go pee-pee. She literally waits until the last minute despite Mommy and Daddy's reminders to tell us when she feels like she has to go. By then it is too late and we are dealing with a mess. If we notice she is dancing or have not gone in an hour or two we plop her on the can and she goes. We as parents give her lots of encouragement and praise when she does go but she will not tell us before it is too late and she gets upset about it. Any parents out there have any suggestions? Thanks much
  24. Sorry to hear about your job loss....hope you applied for unemployment the next day at least to get some income in while you look for other work.
  25. Dick has zero leverage right now so he needs to get along or get out...plain and simple
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