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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. yes it was Lani O'Grady who is the rubber necked one in the front
  2. Robot Bartender A guy goes into a bar and there is a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says "Martini." The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "168." The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology. The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini". Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors. The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have" The guy says, "Martini", and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50." The robot leans in real close and says, "So ... you gonna cheer for the Patriots again this year?"
  3. Dick swept out of there faster than you know what through a goose by Berchtold
  4. Who is Peython Manning?
  5. Bye week.....
  6. Just a thought...he is only 240+ lbs I believe and he is overmatched on the line....would a move to linebacker help him out? He is very quick and is ineffective against the NFL LT's and RT's playing DE.
  7. The 4th and 1 punt against the Saints is when the players finally quit on Jauron
  8. I wonder if we can borrow that bird for Jauron during gameday.
  9. I agree about getting our strength and conditioning coach fired....this team is a walking MASH unit year after year. Something is not right about it. And DJ cannot use the "well all my guys got injured so that is why I had problems" excuse either
  10. Wow talk about the coach qutting then his team quitting around him.....wow
  11. Jauron lost this one then Trent then Roscoe....
  12. contacts,new hairstyle, make-up and some jewlery and you are all set
  13. That is ok....I was at a restaurant once where this waitress was as big as a hippo. She said she likes to dance when she is not waitressing and I asked her what kind of dance and she said "ballet". I showered my drink all over myself.
  14. Apparently the excuse the parent company of these 2 utilities is there has been no increase in rates since 95 but thier costs keep going up. Apparently electricity will go up about 15-18 percent in 2010. Ridiculous. By the way I know someone who works in the utility business and it only costs them 40.00 per month total per household for electric and gas. Link
  15. The fuse has been lit on the TO dynamite
  16. News flash....water is wet and there are a lot of chinese in china
  17. man ever touched my kid he would have had a free tooth extraction by me.
  18. I hardly think the pillsbury doughboy who did absolutely nothing during his football tenure can suddenly turn around this joke of a team and know what is going on. Those who can't ....teach?
  19. I cannot agree more with this statement. Tackling seems like a lost art with this team. The opposing teams 3rd down conversion rate is pathetic. It can be 3rd and 50 for the opposing team and they will convert for the first down. The Steelers RB just walked into the end zone and not a defender in sight. No pass rush, no TD's for the offense, and our punter's leg will be dead by game 8.
  20. This team is being pushed around at all phases of the game...
  21. This team is dead meat.......walks in for TD for PIT.....
  22. When you coddle your players like DJ has.....there is no toughness and you basically get run over....Big Ben looks like Johnny Unitas tonite
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