Here is an easy one....get rid of your strength and conditioning coach, call Rusty Jones back, hire a coach who demands the players come back to mini camp in fantastic shape, no poor conditioning allowed, demand dedication and self-discipline or you are outta here. No more club Jauron's fluff and puff camps...pads on and hitting"
I think you might be missing the point.......we have players going down like they are built out of glass. Some injuries are freak accidents like Wood's injury however I would bet many of the others are due to poor conditioning which makes players tired which is huge factor in causing injuries.
He will be leaving a vapor trail soon as he leaves the team plane...better yet I do no think he will even take the plane home....he will just leave from the Indy game never to return again.
No surprise here....would you want to come to this horsesh-t of a team? This team is at least 3+ years away from being taken seriously at all. And only if they get lucky and get the right QB.....
I would go one step further.....pack up your stuff and while your coat is on an you are on your way out the door early tell them they have to stay until 5pm. And then inform them you will be calling in at 4:59pm to check and see who is there.
Once a player says he is "thinking about it" means he has already retired....unless of course you are Brett Favre.
Once a player retires it is up to mgmt to decide if they want the pro-rated signing bonus back.
I agree with most people on this board...Schoebel scared nobody. He would only get to the QB after the LT was tired of blocking him for that play. Otherwise he was no factor at all.
If I had to be stuck on this horse manure of a team right now I would retire too.....
Hey I don't care what some stupid painted words on a wall say....if I really gotta go and all the urinals and toilets are taken the sink is out of luck.....I am going.
Hmmmm...let's see
- No quarterback
- Bad front Office
- Horse**** of an OL
- team full of malcontents who are undersized and hurt
- cleaning up Jauron's mess.......
-Only 7 home games
Would you want to come to this team?
Yes I will give him "stupid".......
how about dumb, talentless, idiotic, bumbling, soft, injury-prone, out of shape, overpowered, gutless, undisciplined.....add your won....
MARTY SHOTTENHIEMER IS NOT COMING BACK INTO THE NFL FOR US OR ANY OTHER TEAM!!! How many times does the guy have to say this before people will stop writing this? Marty has said repeatedly that he's retired, he's happy to be retired and that he's not coming back.
Hey How about Marty Schottenheimer???
Another wasted top pick by our crack staff at OBD...Outside linebacker? nah...never happen because the coaching staff is much smarter than everyone else....
The planes should be outfitted with 2 oversize seats somewhere on the plane that are mainly used for obese passengers only. If there are no obese passengers on the plane then the seat can be used by others only after it is determined that there is no obese passengers on the plane. Kinda like how the larger stall is being used today for handicap people in bathrooms.
If the Bills know what they are doing.....and that is a long shot....big name coaches need to have their ego stroked and need to be courted.
Private jet, limo, avalanche of money, total control of football decisions (shop for the ingredients), promise from owner to not meddle in affairs a la Snyder and Jones, final say on football personnel decisions(FA and Draft), lots of compliments from Ralph, promise to do what it takes to win from Ralph.
hell let 2 bimbos give the man a good time in the limo if it gets someone big here.....