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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. I guess my question is why didn't the bartender call her a cab? He is just as responsible for getting her drunk according to the laws of the land. I am not exonerating the stupid drunk girl for getting drunk...she is just as responsible too.
  2. Why is this organization so much in love with this injury prone nobody? One good hit and he is out for half a season. worse than Rob Johnson for the Bills
  3. It is going to be painfull to watch this season as all the opposing teams know these Qb's cannot throw deep with any accuracy so they will just put 8 in the box and key in on Spiller the whole time. 3 and out here we come
  4. I hardly think ralph is in any position to criticize any other team about their drafting
  5. I think they turned in their card so fast so they did not have to bother with the phone calls from other teams. They fall in love with themselves and their draft board too much if you ask me.
  6. They sprinted up to the podium faster than their 3 and outs during the season.
  7. I find it interesting that your dad waiting till you left the room before he passed away. My mother who died of Breast cancer did the same thing. Anyway, my condolonces. 86 years is a long time to live for a man and we all know that cannot go forever but it never takes the sadness away.
  8. How much you wanna bet we draft a CB or another Safety?
  9. Yeah...god forbid he should take any responsibility for his oversleeping. The airline should hold his hand too.
  10. If Lunch wants out of Buffalo does that mean Dinner is gone too?
  11. Yeah I guess that is all gay people are good for. Walking around screwing pigs
  12. I just saw the video too. While I agree that he is very fast and elusive....you need to remember that in the NFL...EVERYONE is fast.
  13. I bet you dollars to donuts with all the OT's and/or QB's gone and no top WR or CB's selected..they either reach for someone or go with history and select a CB or WR?
  14. No way Ralph approves moving up and paying that kind of money to anyone....especially a rookie QB.
  15. stink...rinse ...repeat
  16. Hate to be another spoiler here but I hardly think the 7-11 corporation paid for a vacation for the Borat guy like airfare/hotel or whatever. I could see the production company that filmed Undercover Boss pony up the $$$ and allow the CEO to break the good news to him to make the CEO look like some sort of saint. But I hardly think 7-11 paid for the vacation for the guy. I bet you the only thing 7-11 did was to approve a vacation for him so he could use his vacation time that he EARNED to go on this vacation or let him take extra time off UNPAID. Things are not always what they are cracked up to be on reality TV. One more thing. Don't you love those stupid empty declarations that the CEO makes like...."I want you to work with our PR dept regarding these drawings so you can add to your portfolio." Whooopee....more work for no pay and no promotion into the PR dept. I like the old lady who got a donation by 7-11 for 150 grand for the Kidney foundation...while that is all good...why not come out and give this woman a hefty raise if she is so good that you cannot lose? Think that will happen? NOPE!!
  17. The reason why nothing was done was the fact that the restaurants are franchises that are not corporate owned. The CEO could not do anything except call the owner and tell him what is going on. It was up to the the franchise owner of the restuarant to fire him...not the undercover CEO.
  18. Ok I consider myself an intermediate skill level on computers but I am lost when I hear the term "embed" when it comes to videos etc. Is this a way to put videos or mpegs on lets say email messages in outlook? Please let me know and how to do it. thanks
  19. He was my favorite captain out of them all and it sounds like his boys loved him very much. Unfortunately, when you smoke like a factory chimney and do not take care of yourself and add all the stress of running a business like that....it was just a matter of time. Tough having a parent pass away like that.
  20. I find it funny the reporter asks about the dip (as if he actually gives a damn) and then moves right on to the football questions.
  21. Just for the record I think it was Daryl Porter who suffered the brain cramp and did not stay in his lane?
  22. Pees signed with poops
  23. How much you wanna bet this person is a GM in SanDiego
  24. I beg to differ regarding that statement "they never lay off staff"....Instead of techically laying them off what they do is drastically cut back one's hours to say 4 work hours per week until they quit due to lack of hours given. Then they can proclaim they never laid that person off.....and unless you are managment you are a PT employee and they will schedule you 34.5 hours/wk in order to avoid making you 35 which qualifies you for full time benefits. Don't believe the hype.
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