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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. And you know under Jauron....capt checkdown could do no wrong....I saw them kissing out in the tunnel afterwards....lol
  2. Both Teams? Hardly...they looked prepared and ready to kick our butts. Chad Henne was their weakness but the defense completely whupped our butts. They wanted it more and they got it while the Bills just played not to lose by much.
  3. Congrats on your yardage today....although you are not to blame for all of it.....every bit of yardage you will have to earn on your own this season because of the piglets in front of you.
  4. Until this team provves different...they deserve every bit of being the laughingstock of the league.....
  5. It is the greatest thing in the world to have a little girl. Mine is 4 now and she is an absolute joy. They grow fast so enjoy them while they are little. One piece of advice...read to her every night starting now and you will see how it benefits them later on. Lots of affection, love, teaching, and positive reinforcement is all they need grow happy and healthy.
  6. unbelievable
  7. Delta is an acronym for Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport
  8. What a ninCOWpoop
  9. They have come to pick up Mike Williams from camp and fly him down to Tampa Bucs
  10. You can go by the old Channel 5 studios and throw a rock through a window.....
  11. Just so you and I are on the same page...Jake was the one who went to rehab (younger brother) while Josh is the older brother.
  12. I loved that episode.... it is deserving of an Emmy nomination. Excellent storyline and Phil apologizing to Josh for not being there when he was younger during his final hours was amazing.
  13. I once had a co worker who was having stomach problems...needless to say he went to do his green apple splatters in a stall and then suddenly felt the need to throw up while on the toilet. So instead of staying put and throwing up on the floor while he explodes from the rear he decides to get up and turn around and do vice versa. I never seen such a foul scene in my entire life.
  14. He certainly does not mention all the bad angles and poor arm tackling he has done last year though
  15. They should have treated him like the dog that he was and rubbed his nose in it. I have heard people taking dumps in elevators and leaving.
  16. Tom Brady signs with the Bills and I crap 20 dollar bills......
  17. She was fine throurout the movie. It is a looong movie...I think they said 1 hr 45 minutes without the previews so she got a little antsy but she was able to stand up and walk a little bit by us and she loved it. She now wants the toys.
  18. If you get a chance to see it I highly recommend it. Very cute movie and the story line is good too...congrats to Pixar on this one.
  19. All the e-trade lawyer has to say is this: "But your honor....Lindsay Lohan is spelled with an A while our baby's first name is spelled L-I-N-D-S-E-Y." game, set, crack
  20. I believe his next quote will be "Trent Edwards is better than Manning"
  21. my roof had to be torn off completely and rebuilt in 2005. Old house with lots of different angles and 3 layers of asphalt over cedar shakes. 14,500
  22. I don't think he would have drafted anyone but he would have gotten them a hell of a pepsi deal
  23. How about cans of black olives and water chestnuts?
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