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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. Well it just so happens I have experience in this HIPAA garbage being as I work for a hospital. HIPAA protects an individual's right to privacy of their medical information. Period. If a patient wants their medical information given out to ANYONE by their healthcare provider they must sign a release of information stating specifically who needs it and what kind of information that needs to be released. Otherwise any healthcare institiution will not even acknowledge who they are or even if they have been treated there. The Bills doctors/ staff can release the information to the public only if Roscoe signs a written release for them to do so. Otherwise it is nobody's business unless Roscoe himself talks to the media about his medical condition. \ So basically if the media wants the scoop...go to the player and badger them....the Bills Mgmt cannot release it if the player chooses not to.
  2. The pump at my house is now 2.59/ gal That means it now costs 10.00 to buy 4 gallons of gas....GRRRRR
  3. (Got these from a friend via email) TOP 5 SMART ASS ANSWERS FOR 2004... (according to Reader's Digest) Smart Ass Answer #5: A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said,"Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub." Smart Ass Answer #4: A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store,but she couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied, "No ma'am, they're dead." Smart Ass Answer #3: The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speeding rolled down his window. "I've been waiting for you all day," the cop said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could." When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket. Smart Ass Answer #2: A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads, "Low Bridge Ahead." Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas." AND NOW........FOR THE.......... #1 SMART ASS ANSWER OF THE YEAR 2004.... A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. "Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!" A smart ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence is restored, the teacher smiles knowingly at the student, shakes her head and sweetly says "Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand."
  4. I just past my gas pump where I live and gas is now 2.54 a gallon....what in the birthday cake is going on with the prices? Are we headed for another oil crisis like the one in the late 70's? I just cannot believe the prices these days. What is causing it? Is it the SUV's? Iraq war and US military guzzing gas? I fear something is seriously wrong......I think it will be time to get a hybrid the next new car I get......ridiculous!!!
  5. I worked in the hospital industry for 7+ years....depends on your specialty I guess....it can go higher than that....but not much over the top
  6. *sigh*....another example of life's unfairness.....doctor's who save lives make 80-100k per year....a teacher who teaches your kids-20-30k per year.....a police officer protecting your streets- 30-50k per year a BASKETBALL PLAYER PLAYING A GAME THAT MEANS NOTHING IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS.......100 million
  7. Like Marv used to say about free agents... "They hurt your team more than they help their new team" PP is a prime example
  8. My wife works for DSS and she says the way the law is set up in NYS.....there is no resource limit which means if you recently lost your job but have 100,000 dollars in an IRA or in a savings account or own a Rolls Royce or a million dollar mansion, if you apply for Medicaid because you lost your job and have no income coming in due to unemployment you qualify for it...because they cannot take those things into consideration by LAW.....friggin NYS
  9. I'm sorry but DiBella's here is Rochester beats all y'all www.dibellas.com
  10. I drive a 2004 Subaru Forester By the way.....who cares what kind of car I drive? I could say a Ferrari and it would still not make it right what they did. I do not do things like that and van engines are usually bigger than most normal cars anyway......I am not racing anyone who feels the need to speed up to 100mph to forbid me to pass...it is not a question of "whose car is bigger and badder?" It is a question of who was right and wrong and what suggestions could be made from different people out there to help me avoid any confrontations like that in the future Thanks
  11. Ok...please tell me if I should have done anything different the next time this ever happens to me. I work in a job that requires auto travel to different facilities. I am on my way to my next facility one day and I am on a 2 lane rural road and I am doing 60 in a 55mph zone and I am behind this beat up old rusted out POS Dodge van that has 3 men in it....1 driver, 1 passenger and 1 in the back seat. Their ages range from anywhere from high school to mid 20's.... I come up on them and DO NOT tailgate them but they are doing exactly 55 and I have a dotted line and no traffic the other way so I decide to put my blinker on and pass them by and once by I slow to 60 mph give or take 1-2 miles. As I start to pass them the driver of the car puts his gas pedal to the floor and forbids me to pass them and tries to avoid me getting by. My car does not have enough horsepower to beat him while he has it to the floor so I abort and go back behind him and he slows back down to exactly 55mph . He never batted an eye or made any kind of obscene gesture or looked at me ....here I am going to my next job while these punks find it funny to provoke me so I got mad and ended up flipping him off a couple of times *( I know I probably should not have done that but I was pissed that they were playing a dangerous game with me while I was only legally trying to pass them on the left in the oncoming lane). So I stay behind him a couple of more minutes and try to pass him again thinking it was over but once again while I am trying to get by he floors the gas again and prevents me from passing him. So I honk the horn and flip him off again while I abort back into the lane again and he slows back down to 55mph. My question is this: What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment on the road? I did nothing to provoke these people from the start, did not tailgate, and tried to pass while I had the dotted line which the last time I checked was legal to do. I am not an aggressive driver and I am courteous when I can be on the road. Do young men take it as a personal insult when someone tries to pass them on a road in today's society? I probably should have ignored them but they were trying to pick a fight to be funny. Yes I did get angry and fipped them off a few times but only after they tried to get me killed on the road by being childish. What should I have done differently? Thanks for your feedback
  12. Hell...her outfit is tame compared to what I have seen in our courtrooms right here in our wonderful city of Roch.... When I worked for the court system I would see men in Family Court and City Court or any other court waiting to see the Judge hear their case in shorts and a basketball shirt with sneakers or dressing like they are in a gang or Boyz from the Hood or they just rolled out of bed. I have seen women with tank tops or tight short inner-city whore outfits with exposed navels waiting to see the judge for their case. Quite disgusting and disrespectful if you ask me but the judges never call them on it. ADVICE: whenever you go to court whether it is traffic court or a trial for anything and you are due to see a judge.....dress appropriately like you are interviewing for a job....it shows respect for the judge and their court and they in turn will respect you more....most of all avoid the word "Ums" "Ya feel me?" , "know what I'm sayin?", and "Dude is whacked"....if you sound like an uneducated knucklehead then the Judge will take that into consideration. Always address them as "Your Honor or Judge (Name)". Also LOOK THEM IN THE EYE WHEN TALKING TO THEM...judges can spot a liar a mile away and those who lie do not look you in the eye and hesitate when they talk. Hope this shines some light......
  13. Those kida were sooooo adorable and well behaved I could have eaten them up. The shot with all of them brushing their teeth towards the end was the cutest....ya gotta love the Pooh Bear room and the cop room....my favorite was the play area with the apple tree with the height measurement board made from Mom down the middle and a large picture of Mom there in the area. The mother was gorgeous and I feel do bad for what happened to her. I also liked the large pics of the boys in Dad's room (their eyes in the pics)...that melted me. Good job ABC....those are the types of families you need to rescue.....I have to admit some of the previous shows the families are not what I call worthy of a home makeover but the ones where there is a child or parent with special needs or a death of a spouse etc are the good shows.
  14. the cardboard is actually faster then the real thing.....
  15. Whoops!!! Sorry I dropped my mouse on the ground....no what was everyone saying about Josh Reed??
  16. Here is a real head scratcher for you: I was a civil service government employee who was on a 1 year probation. On my 50th week I was told I was being let go. I was not incompetant nor had I done anything that was so bad like stealing, fighting, etc..... I was due to get 3 reviews, 12 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks. I got a 12 week review and passed with flying colors...I never got my 26 week review because the superv I worked for forgot. I asked for a meeting the day before I was let go and was told my work was fine after some polite prodding. I was also told many times on the side by other workers that my work was fine and assuming no news was good news or else they would have said something about it or given me a verbal or written warning/ counseling or some kind of feedback that I was skating on thin ice but nothing.....then all of a sudden I am out of a job. Mind you I was not the perfect employee and I did make my share of mistakes but nothing so grand as to cause me to lose my job. I have seen people there come in late, leave early, take 2 hour lunches, and never put in a full days work to save their lives. I just do not understand the working world sometimes.....I get hired, I get a 12 week review that I pass with flying colors, I do not get a 26 week review because she forgot to do it, I am hardly given any feedback from anyone except "your work is fine" once in a blue moon and then 2 weeks before I am due to pass probation she walks in and lets me go. I had no problems with anyone at the office...i felt I got along with everyone fine. I got totally blindsided by the whole thing. I am told by the union rep that they can let anyone go for any or no reason at all during probation. I was a good employee...not perfect...but I did my job and my conduct was fine and I never did anything so bad to warrant me being let go unless someone had it in for me there and kept it a secret. I was never given a straight answer as to why I did not pass. Do I have any recourse or does the "employment at will state" come into play? *sigh*
  17. Take a 10 pound size rib roast......go outside and place it on lawn.....unzip fly and urinate on meat...poke holes in roast with fork before urination to soak in the juices....stick finger up butt....pull out yesterday's peppercorns from the steak you ate yesterday and dot beef.........bake in toaster oven...serve wife with smile on face mmmmmm gooood.......
  18. That's it...that's the one.... a hula hookie lau...... take it....!!!
  19. Ya know it's ever clear a hula lookie lau a lookie lookie lookie lau..... (Take it)
  20. ESPN.com news services With several of their other offensive stars locked up with new contracts, the Colts can focus on Edgerrin James, and Indianapolis owner Jim Irsay told ESPN's Chris Mortensen that the team is set to slap a franchise tag on James to prevent the running back from being a free agent. Irsay has the tag available after signing quarterback Peyton Manning and wide receiver Marvin Harrison to blockbuster deals, and his goal is to give James the big money, too. In fact, the Colts structured Harrison's contract with an eye toward retaining enough salary cap flexibility to keep James, who leads the team in rushing by more than a thousand yards. Before Sunday's game, James had run for 1,395 yards, Dominic Rhodes 201. Harrison agreed Dec. 8 to a seven-year, $67 million extension. Earlier this year, Manning signed a seven-year, $98 million deal that included a $34 million signing bonus. The Colts also have agreed in principle to a five-year, $17.5 million extension for receiver Brandon Stokley, ESPN.com's John Clayton confirmed Saturday. Irsay awaits his new stadium deal and a league labor extension to make a new contract easier to negotiate. Pretty soon all these contracts are going to catch up to them and they will be in cap hell. Restructuring Marvin's deal does not make thing better...just pushes the agony away temporarily for maybe a year or two.They will not be able to resign any soon-to-be free agents because they will have no cap room....good luck INDY you better win it all this year or next year or else you are the next 49er cap purge.....
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