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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. http://www.wftv.com/news/5402525/detail.html http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/sou...-home-headlines *sigh* Merry Christmas!!! Gotta love how far society has fallen
  2. feel free to add your own
  3. Time for some changes on this team and the front office...I am tired of the losing and this team not getting any better.
  4. I am sure everyone saw it but that poor bastard got his first taste of NFL.....I was glad to see he was ok after a while on the cart and JP shaking his hand but man that must be a dangerous thankless job not knowing what is coming at you because your back has to be turned away from the field.....
  5. bruschi
  6. After watching the Colts play so well Monday night it is quite depressing to see how terrible we have become.....when your QB is Kelly Holcomb you know it is not a good situation. We have the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man in MW Our line stinks we cannot throw the deep ball teams can run up the middle on us our coach is not what I call high caliber-he is controllable just the way TD likes it TD is a fair GM...not great...not awfull....mediocre Losman is no where near ready to play in the NFL Organization thinks they are better than they really are Mediocre DE's Mediocre DT with Fat Sam being benched lately Old SS and FS that nobody is scared of Clements gone next year our LT is medicore at best I watch the Colts and they are a well oiled machine this year....while the Bills are struggling to light each other's farts....*sigh*
  7. I think ESPN' s tongue went so far up his A$$ they could taste his breakfast yesterday
  8. I say they should stop all the dancing and showing off when they do something ordinary on the field like make a tackle or score......this is a 3-4 team going down the drain fast and they need to earn the right to celebrate. They growl and talk smack to the opposing players and think how good they are but then they lose the game and get trampled by the other teams running back...since when did LaMont Jordan become an all-pro? This team sure made him one last week.
  9. Since the Bills are playing like they are misfits...what toys from Rudolph do these players/coaches remind you of?
  10. Plain and simple : When on offense: Run the ball up the middle...run the ball left...run the ball right....they cannot stop the run. When of defense: Put 8-9 men in the box to stop Magahee....then when they try to pass in their feeble attempt to loosen you up.....flood the short and medium zones because there is no way they will beat you deep. Finally....if you are playing the Bills at home your are almost guaranteed a win because they cannot win an away game...they fold like a cheap lawnchair that is easy to break.....
  11. The clerk farted and gave me a receipt.... Happy Wednesday
  12. gathering cardboard boxes
  13. It is hard to watch all the other teams like the Colts play so well and do nothing but win while we struggle to get 1 TD per game if we are lucky. What is wrong with this team? You can't beat the Saints? They are just a bunch of paper lions who wilt at the first sight of adversity I take that back....make that toilet paper lions.
  14. - I think this team has quit on the coaches due to Losman's inability and inexpereince - another 100 yard rusher the defense allowed in ths game.....32nd against the run is about right - if you cannot win against the Saints then you are going to have a top 5 pick next year - were are the wide receivers? where is the so called "power running game" they are harping about all off season? - Losman needs another year on the sideline to watch and mature....he is too much of a mental midget to succeed in the game right now...he is being played like Eddie Van Halen's guitar - I guess the saying goes....."you can't make chicken salad out of chicken s__t"
  15. -Over 200 yards rushing allowed last game and this game....85 bears? yeah right. -JP costs us yet another game with his inaccurate throws -The OL was leaving Losman out to dry -Good job McGahee for hitting the hole...too bad it was for naught -JP...stop patting the ball before you throw...CB's pick up on it -This team will win against terrible teams but any opponent with an 8-8 record will beat these Bills -Not resigning Pat or another comprable DT is really hurting the run Defense....RB's are able to run up the middle on us -Causing 30 yards of dumb penalites like roughing the passer hurt us -Greatest defense ever?...not a chance!!!
  16. We got taken out behind the woodshed and got a good ol fashioned- reality check this team is not as good as it thinks it is- wake up call- butt whuppin....
  17. Thank you for your kind words in your post and coming up with a solution. I live in Rochester, NY so I think that might be a far drive for me being how gas is 3.00/gal. However, the fact that she wandered into your place is no fluke....there is a reason for everything in life and this cat needs you....you bought it food and the cat adopted you so I think you should let it stay and be a new cat owner...you will not be sorry....they are very low maintainence....food...clean water....clean litterbox. Keep it for yourself...it will change your life. There is a huge shelter here called Lollypop Farm which will have lots of cats/kittens to adopt and we will get a friend for my other cat soon but not right now....thanks for the offer.
  18. My wife and I owned a orange tiger cat that we adopted from an animal shelter 4 years ago as a kitten. He was cute as a button....7 toes on each front foot...he looked like he had mittens on his front paws when he was a kitten...he was such a little knucklehead getting into everything and keeping us busy.....we loved him very much....He was an indoor cat who greeted us everytime we came home and always exposed his belly for a bellyrub when we walked in the door. About a week ago he started getting really sick....the vet diagnosed him with liver problems and we dropped 500.00 to treat him....fluids...special food...pills...vet visits. He was not responding and not eating and slept all day and did not move. I came home today from work to find him drooling and foaming at the mouth from nausea. I rushed him to the vet and he said the skin in his ears were yellow from jaundice and it was not getting better. We had to euthanize him and I just got home from the vet about 1 hr ago and I feel awful......my wife took it very hard. I hope that anyone on this board who jokes about hurting cats and posting avatars with pictures of a gun to a kittens head with the words "DIE" across the top will think twice about how their actions affect others. It is not funny at all and very immature. Lets hope this does not happen to any of their pets because it is an awful feeling to have to put a pet to sleep from illness and watch their pet deteriorate. Thanks for listening
  19. Don't feel too bad.....at least they gave you some time. I was fired by a judge who I worked for for NYS. Never gave me any warnings...verbal or written. Just used the 1 year "probationary period" as an excuse to get rid of me in week 50 of a 52 week probation. I did the same thing as you...I refused to fit in with their "click" of secretaries/law clerks/ judges who were a bunch of overpaid NYS employee stuck up crybabies. I did my job and went home. Funny thing was I got a 3 month review which I passed, never got my 6 month review and never was told I was doing a bad job and my job was in jeopardy. I was basicaly never given a straight answer as to why I was being let go... my union said they can let you go for any or no reason at all in NYS while you are on probation. Well I learned a few things about the working world.... 1) If you give 2 weeks notice...be prepared to walk that same day out the door because chances are they might let you go right on the spot. 2) Work to live...don't live to work because one day the reaper will come with a box and a security guard with no notice and treat you like a common criminal as you pack your desk up. That is how it is in today's world 3) It is not how well you do at work...it is how your boss PERCEIVES you as an employee. Perception is reality!! 4) Getting fired from your job will not necessarily get you unemployment. If you caused your own firing chances are you will be denied benefits. If you were discharged due to money reasons or you were a probationary discharge because you had a hard time with the job then you will get benefits. Make sure you tell your employer you will file for unemployment benefits and will there be any problems with that. Also make sure they give you something in writing as to why they are letting you go, etc. etc. 5) Not everyone is going to like you at work...get used to it. Just make sure you stay professional at work with them but keep an arms distance from them at all times. 6) And finally, make sure you know it is their loss and not yours. For the longest time when I got discharged I was down in the dumps but I soon realized the problem lied with THEM and their screwed up office...not me. I learned from it and now after 6 weeks I found a new job and I really love it. I am my own boss and I do not have to deal with office politics...it is great. So just go to work and spend all your time looking for new work on the internet on their time. Make sure you walk out with your head held high even though it sucks. That way you will be more respected my the idiot workers there because they will be watching how you handle it. PROFESSIONALISM is the key. Good Luck Ken aka Hello Newman
  20. I just got off a plane yesterday after a little hiatus from flying and boy have some things changed since a few years back- -the internet certainly has sped up the process when booking tickets and selecting your seat assignments....the only drawback is if it is not done perfectly or you have any special circumstances or problems you will have to check in anyway. The counters are no longer staffed by a lot of reps....everything is now self- check in at a kiosk which can be problematic to find someone to help if you need a live human being to talk to. -Boy talk about your cattlecars....every flight is now 90 percent or more full which makes for hot planes...poor air quality....rude staff..and the feeling of being part of a cattle herd. I used to love flying when I was younger...now I dred having to go on one especially if it is packed. MOOOO! -On the positive side...I was surprised at how everyone around me took things in stride....now the weather was nice and no planes or flights were cancelled on the day I flew but everyone was tolerant of others. I suppose they feel the same way about air travel these days and bitching about it will not make things better so treat it like a DMV visit and roll with the punches and be patient. Just some thoughts
  21. A part of me is sad to see what is happening down there.... BUT officals before the storm hit did a MANDATORY evacuation of the city and people still did not go. I understand there are some people who are poor and cannot evacuate but to decide to stay and tough it out is just plain wrong. Now those same people are begging for food and to be rescued. If many of the people heeded the warnings you would not see all that is happening on the news. Just plain arrogant and dumb for those who CHOSE to stay. You made your bed now lie in it. I don't know about you but if I hear people from the south say how awful living in NY with the snow I will tell them I will take the snow any day over Katrina
  22. I was in elementary school during the 70's but I remember back then people were only able to get gas on odd/even days on the calendar according to their last digit on the license place number. Your last digit was an odd number...you could get gas on the odd days of the calendar only....even number..even calendar day.... would this be welcome in order to conserve gas and control demand? Also...how much do you wanna bet SUV sales have hit the crapper because of prices?
  23. Last night in my area....2.67.9 This morning.....2.79.9 OUCH!!!
  24. Now that gas prices are going to be close to 3.00/gal up here in the near future sooner or later .....steps will be taken in my house to conserve fuel consumption -No unnecessary trips...if it is not on the way home from work or to work then we don't go -dining out is going away -the wife is carpooling which will save us a ton of gas since we live 1 hr away from our jobs -cars tuned up Any other advice you can give or any ideas you may have would be great (wisecracks aside)
  25. I have a collegue at work who told me she has a brother in law who is a mechanic who works on garbage trucks for the city of Rochester. Apparently once the garbagemen are done with their assigned routes they are done for the day and get paid for a full day whenever they get done. So they tend to go really fast to get the route done early. The problem the mechanics who fix the trucks are complaining about the fact that the garbagemen are going so fast they refuse to stop somewhere and use the bathroom when needed so they just go ahead and take a dump or a piss right in the back of the cab....no bucket or anything...right on the floor behind the seats in the truck. Apparently this has now been stopped and they need to work their full day regardless on when their route is done to further avoid any kind of problems like TAKING A DUMP in the back of the cab of the truck. How gross is that? any other stories to share?
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