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Everything posted by qwksilver

  1. The Bills FO never does that!
  2. Lets not bring up unknown facts. It has to be 2 two's. (conditional picks always = a 2nd) Thank goodness we didn't do that as AS sucks and isn't better than Fitz and would not have taken us to the playoffs. Maybe we should send the chiefs a big thank you letter. Afterall what does ANDY REID know about quaterbacking in the NFL?
  3. Didn't Cosell on NFL.com say he's a 4th round value? why reach in the 2nd round...
  4. 1/2 the reason Fitz has to go is becuase he is an interception waiting to happen. I think ASmith would be a nice gap for a year or two so the Bills wouldn't have to reach this year in an awful draft class of QB's.
  5. Please not #2...this cycle of not signing our own and drafting to fill needs that walk just SUCKS!
  6. I still don't understand why the NFL doesn't make every player wear those helmuts with the extra padding AKA the "mark kelso" kazoo helmut? It seemed to work for him. I also remember a 49er lineman wearing one around the same time. Plus if they ALL weren't on the untested PEDs they'd : weigh 20-25 lbs less, be slower, thus the hits wouldn't be as violent.
  7. 2 thngs to take from this video. 1) This team would be awful with out CJ. He is our future. 2) Not 1 single 40 yard (in the air) TD pass. Very sad. 2a) KC is pitiful, Good luck to Reid.
  8. + Nate Potter in the 7th this year...just sayin
  9. Who's doing the interview? I like Arians as a better Pittsburg connection.
  10. REALLY VICK? He is a turnover machine (and they have good WRs). He is 1 concusion away from not being able to spell his name if you spot him the VC&K.
  11. It helps when there is a QB worth overpaying for! Who do we give up 7 picks for this year? Also you need a partner that wants to deal.
  12. That schedule looked very nice @ the end of August. How the hell do they win only 5? Even with the noodle armed QB they should have 9-10 wins this year! F Gailey & Wandstache.
  13. I agree, but each loss and each losing year gets me more detached than the previous one.
  14. Good question! The answer is just about all of them! The jests, QB also donated that game. Plus a REAL head coach gets rid of Wanny a LLLOOOONNNGGGGtime ago! I'd say with the right HC we should be 9-5 at worst. add a quality QB and we could be 10-4. There is good talent on this team. Still some holes but good talent.
  15. I think TJ only signed a 1 year deal? So you can;t trade a free agent.
  16. Great 1st post! (unless my sarcasm meter is off) He's only about $800-900 milion short of the list price of the Bills. (just a guess though)
  17. I think I read somewhere that he and Lombardi are looking into Cleveland. New ownership may want to make a splash. I think he is a DBag for the way he lied to Miami and its fans (i LOL'ed though when it was going on). He would be a HUUUGGEEE improvement here. Too splashy and expensive for RW so 0.00 chance of it happening.
  18. Well this is TBD,so we have all seen much worse ideas than this! Buddy said he wants a qb, there may be only 2 franchise type available next year. Drafting at 7-12 won't get us either of them. So would you rather have a Landry Jones type in the 2nd round or trade your 2nd for a guy you passed 4 times on the last draft? I say swallow your pride/mistake and send them a 2 and a 6 for him. They need draft picks and we need hope!
  19. 1) Everyone has to wear those Kazoo helmets. So sick of the consussion issue. 2) HGH testing imediately. Remember 220 Lb's or skinny WR's? Hell even some of the ref could be juicing! This is not WWE! 3) 15 yard penalty for lobbying the official for the PI call... Just stop. I even saw the damn waterboy on the sidelines doing this.
  20. To all those who've said "Thank goodness for RW because he never moved the BIlls" What other city in this great USA would put up with this GOD AWFUL MEDDLING OWNER and his $HITTY run organization for 50 + years?
  21. That's a pipe dream! When was the last time this franchise won 4 in a row in after Novemeber 1st?
  22. Good read, I can't wait for the Kim Kardashian Skip Bayless hour of power. Sprinkle in some time w Stephan A. and what TP idiot wouldn't watch that show. Ratings people, Ratings!
  23. If only the AFL and MIami would have allowed Ralph Wilson that MIami franchise...
  24. Too bad Whaley cant bring the Pittsburg owners
  25. I want to know who deleted them in the 1st place?
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