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Posts posted by qwksilver

  1. You guys are looking at this all wrong. If Chicago does not want Cutler, they should be offering something to the team willing to trade for him. His salary is ridiculous for what he is shown he can do. If they cut him, they will take a huge cap hit. So their best option is to trade him but no one will want to carry his salary so they better sweeten the pot. Maybe offer Forte with Cutler or second round pick.

    I would take Cutler and a 4th (we don't have a 4th this year). Draft his replacement with the 4th we receive.

  2. if orton is that little discussed option, ill be pretty bummed. i dont even expect a GREAT guy, but im feeling anyone but orton these days.


    Would be completely disappointed. We've been down that road before! The fans and our defense deserve better. Or at least the chance to be better.

  3. Good read


    Why Patience is a Virtue In The Buffalo Bills Coaching Search


    "Fire fast and hire slow" spot on.


    Let's not forget that the Bills @ 9-7 are the only opening with a winning record the previous year. (Even with Marrone handcuffing the offense).


    I also wonder the longer it takes maybe Schwartz rises to "keep continuity"?


    We're no longer the last choice of those wanting a HC job.


    Take your time TP. Just not too long please.

  4. I really hope not. I like Mike, not his son. Its a good prediction, but its also the safe, boring move. Its kinda scaredy cat move, Doug Marrone would make that move if he were GM... I think Pegula wants to go big

    In this scenario please define what "BIG" means? They're all retreads or hasn't beens

  5. Here is Doug Marrone's introductory speech when he lands his first job:


    "First off, okay, I want to thank Joseph Gillotti, head custodian here at St. Vincent's School for the Deaf for opening the school auditorium early and turning on the heat. Okay? Second, thank you to Sister Mary Bernadette for making Nate and I feel welcome during our tour of the campus. When we stopped in her office afterward, the chamomile tea with 2% milk was the perfect touch to sway me in my decision to take over as not only coach but player personnel director. With the ability to oversee all football operations here at St. Vincent's, I believe you will see a big change in the development and performance of our athletes. I plan on using all new hand signals for our players so they can stay engaged in the play, okay...and more importantly...I will teach them to play until they hear the whistle....errrrr, I mean, they won't hear the whistle, but I am creating a new "shock collar" system so the players can play through to a small shock which will signal the end of the play, okay? Obviously, this won't hurt the players...much. But their efforts will obviously lead to results. Now, I'll take some questions...but won't answer anything to do with injuries, future scouting, player development, my coaching philosophy or anything to do with this program...ohhhh, one final thing...Go Saints!!"

    Loved this. You failed to mention how he said this was his dream job!

  6. He took the Jets to 2 AFC Championship games with the Sanchize, then the GM (Idzik?) throttled down the offensive talent even more, I think he can coach but was dealt a crappy hand in NY, at least Doug appears to be trying to get better... Not sure how he would do in Buffalo, but I wouldn't be upset with him as coach, but I would prefer an offensive guy and keep Schwartz if possible.

    Not That I want R.R., but we wouldn't need Schwartz as Ryan is just as capable on the defensive side of the ball,

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