I expect us to be 12-4 or 11-5 depending upon who plays the last week. We all know you are what your record is and that appears to be very good to me.
Plus a great QB can fill the cracks in your lineup. "Barely top 10" is incorrect. I only have maybe 5 that are better.
Oldie but a goodie.
What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an agnostic and a dyslexic?
Someone who stays awake all night wondering if there is a dog.
I could be wrong but I think you can, so fire away.
So far we have:
Male, Alive, American born in NJ, not an Athlete, not a musician, not an actor but has been on TV and in a movie or 2.
It was a 5 page post on Whiskey, Scotch a & Bourbon, but not sure how to copy and paste/link it but here is the title:
Whisky or Whiskey preference in terms of drink, not spelling?