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Everything posted by qwksilver

  1. Entertainer?
  2. this is correct. the use of mostly lowercase letters is a clue to his firm Lower Case Capital. Have to love billionaires born in Bills country. Hopefully he was famous enough for this game.
  3. this is the case.
  4. wb was not born in wny. my guy was born in wny
  5. ummm nope.
  6. his work as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer helped him become an angel investor.... this is not a super famous person, but hopefully some of you will know him, especially due to him being born in wny. he is in a "group" that contains about 2100 members world wide
  7. No. He is on this show becuase his experience and knowledge among other reasons.
  8. correct but not a musician.
  9. nope, he's usually being interviewed or reality tv.
  10. In western new york. this is an important nugget.
  11. not an actor but he has been on tv.
  12. no criminal activity.
  13. Not a politician.
  14. He is but this is not why he is famous.
  15. This is not the case.
  16. Ok I have one. Male and he alive.
  17. @SinceThe70sThis was a tougher one, but doing some quick research, I think it is Ezra Castro, AKA Pancho Billa....
  18. As management, announcer, Coach or other?
  19. Thought this was covered, but is he an athlete?
  20. @SinceThe70s Was his expertise Military operations?
  21. Going to check the ESPN machine. Is there anyway Stillers don't make the playoffs after 11-0 start?
  22. Hey those rub and tugs might be cheap. But the high class professionals that travel are way more expensive. Kraft needs to be liquid for that action. 😆
  23. I live on a lake that connects to canals of South Florida. Anyways here are my 2 good Bird stories: 1) Its about 7:30 am and I go out to get the big green trash can. When I grab the handle and move it I notice, on the other side of the can, the largest brown duck I've ever seen. I startle it and it turns its head and his beak is white and hooked. And it 3 flaps of its wings it was above the trees. FYI it was a bald eagle. I was shocked. 2) I saw an Osprey grab a fish out of the lake. It then landed on my white fence and ate its catch. All the guts ran down the fence. My dogs loved that area for 2 weeks or so...
  24. I did not see this posted. Actually found it on Sun-Sentinel in South Florida. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/ucf-knights/os-sp-gabe-davis-matt-milano-donate-prosthtic-legs-20201220-6pjcg5i5tbhvhjstpvgxqyhqw4-story.html This is a fantastic story! Love me some doing the right thing!
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