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Everything posted by NFLBighits

  1. Agree jones will be a 5th round pick !
  2. He has so much heart and he is just toying with them lol,,,, Wow he will get better at his longer passes but looks dam good for sure !
  3. Manziel = Flutie 2.0 and man is he good !
  4. He did mention bringing the team up to Championship level = WINNING !
  5. Yep the colts are losers but wait there going to the playoffs.... but really dont care as there's a change of all coaches on this team !
  6. ELITE FANTASY FOOTBALL 25,50,75,100,ect...I won my league but wont be doing the playoff league as i prefer playing the whole season thing !
  8. Well as long as they fire Nix, gailey,Wanstache and 10 more or so and kick the players in the but to get playing it doesn't matter who they bring in to polish this turd of a team and they need a coach with fire and emotion !
  9. Gruden, does have fire and he is pretty vocal and that would be a change around here oppose to the mellow coaches we had here before !
  10. Would rather have Vick over tebow .........................
  11. They all need to go but keep Doug Whaley and the Water Boy Passing on Wilson and kapernickel has are front office not making any cents/sense : )
  12. Fitz is a top 15 quarterback and the problem is Chan is are coach and has to be 31 or 32nd in coaching !
  13. Coaching coaching coaching where is it at ? well lots of bone head calls that cost this team a win or two or more ! Chan makes the call not the players and we have seen the baby and it's growing process but will need a hot and up and coming coach as we have enough talent to win and chan just pisses all over himself : (
  14. Coaching is a bigger issue right now and Chan is bye bye or = empty stands
  15. Take away his guns and give that man a buffalo bills helmet :>)
  16. Perry Fewell or Brian Billick are my top two choices !
  17. PLEASE Be Brian Billick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Lets start are search and i'm all in for Brian Billick As he brings a new attitude to the team and like his emotion as a head coach and unless chan stays but if not Mr. Billick is my choice !
  19. Game over and chan was a fesh air about 2 years ago but we need two new coaches or more lol...
  20. Haven't had one since Flutie N Kelly and just sad but true
  21. would've been better to have 9 guys in zone and rushed 2 and what is the difference on are pass rush as we have none and do believe the players are not buying into wanstats vanilla play calling......
  22. I agree that was on sheppard and what the hell was he thinking and could ve at least trip him lol or stick his arm out..as he wasn't even engauged yet..
  23. Ya I noticed the same thing with the hole cj was coming thru and sheppard just shuffled to the right with the guard 3 feet in from of him and what a disgrace sheppard has been and he should only be playing sparingly IMO
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