Strangely enough this article says differently: "Tailgating Experts Say Baltimore is America’s Best Football Tailgating City, Followed by Denver, Houston, San Diego and Cincinnati"
Pretty awesome though that Lee Evans the Dad choose to go to Buffalo over St. Louis (prolly helped the son didnt play).
"For Ravens games, the main lot next to the stadium is sold out in advance. There are plenty of options nearby, however; the closest ones are at Sharp and Ostend Streets at the southeast corner of the stadium. There are two lots there, one under a bridge and a small one across the street. You may also want to try the lots along Warner Street south of the stadium. Parking typically runs $20-25; some lots may be less. Most lots claim they don't open until four hours before game time; you can get in earlier than that at most of them and pay the attendant later."
A good party can be found here:
Self proclaimed best lot on facebook:
That's about all I get from google... No clear answers, might be a good one to take to a Ravens bb.