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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. Lol, can't help it but all of a sudden I've associated your last name with the guy who cant say the R (Kripke) in The Big Bang Theory...
  2. Another CB... o.O OMG the spirit of Jauron we're doomed....
  3. Jup, sounds like LB and especially Kuelchy (no brainer pick plus 3 positions comment).
  4. Soooooo, 1 QB, 2 WR, 2 LB, 2 CB, no TE
  5. I'd be bummed if we take Tannenhill... :/
  6. Aye, he did a lot for the team it seems even though he's only been able to participate for 5 games.
  7. 8 or 9, failure this year means new coaching staff again
  8. If anything it makes sense to draft a WR #10, WR's is one of the toughest positions, competition to Stevie by pushing him from below is good for both of them.
  9. Any updates on this? /sry couldnt resist
  10. You werent just trolled you were shregged!
  11. Wierd how these guys justify botched statistics... Kickoff returns were down around 50%, concussions by 40% so my math tells me the actual concusion per kickoff ratio went up, not down.
  12. For the record in case someone reads that for the first time, to summarize this is what happened: women gets flashed by blackman, police goes searching for blackman, Corey drives by on his bicylce whilst training for the season, police arrests blackman, woman gets confronted, jeah that's him, he was black allright. Took a couple of months but Corey was fully aquitted and the real offender was caught a couple weeks later.
  13. News media always plays the trick the day before...
  14. We have confirmation, I repeat we have confirmation; it's a girl!!!
  15. Date of the article... 31 march... you know the day before april fools...
  16. I own that shirt!
  17. Here are my criteria for grading: A 4.0 elite player B+ 3.25 above average NFL player B 3.0 avg starter C+ 2.25 part time starter rotational player C 2.0 depth player D+ 1.25 borderline NFL player F 0.0 out of the league, bust Here is the 2008 draft with my grades (feel free to share your own thoughts) Round Overall 2008 NFL draft Player Position Grade Number grade 1 11 Leodis McKelvin C+ 3.0 2 41 James Hardy F 0 debatable may still be borderline, no team atm and gotten another injury settlement (dude making money of those) 3 72 Chris Ellis F 0 4 114 Reggie Corner C 2.0 4 132 Derek Fine F 0 debatable, would say D+ as he's been around a few teams but hasnt got a team atm http://www.kffl.com/player/18667/NFL 5 147 Alvin Bowen F 0 6 179 Xavier Omon D+ 0 see http://www.kffl.com/player.php/18742/nfl 7 219 Demetrius Bell B 3.0 7 224 Steve Johnson B+ 3.25 7 251 Kennard Cox D+ 0 see http://www.kffl.com/player/19449/NFL
  18. Nowhere, free agent, was with the Seahawks see http://www.kffl.com/player/19449/NFL
  19. Follow your heart, who cares about age difference. If it doesnt matter to you or her then it's nobodies business.
  20. Same here, heroin is as good as gone. Those that are addicted are getting methadon for free from the government. Want to loose you teeth, have nasty skin diseases and what not more? Try heroin! Talk about destructive, heroin is way up there. Another great effect of legilazition is that people are less inclined to try harddrug, if only for the simple reason that if you split the sales of soft drugs people arent talking to the guy who is also selling harddrugs.
  21. Those spikes/cleats/shoes/whatever look awesome on photo 6 but those arent the ones Wilson was wearing.
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