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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. Goodgrief... they know it isnt preseason anymore right?
  2. man mckelvin doesnt even watch the ball.. :/
  3. .... game getting critical fast, time for the D to show up
  4. Article may have expired or has been deleted. Wierd
  5. Beats the pro-bowl imho.
  6. The reality of it is that the number 2's and 3's behind him all have a doping history... Part of the sport.
  7. Funny how refs are considered part-time and players, coaches, staff aren't, yet it all revolves around the same 3 hour game a week.
  8. Hehehe, It's not THAT bad is it... What I tried to say is that a renowed geologist has done multiple surveys of that site and sampled the rocks etc; he claims the formation is entirely natural. That said, it does look made by something other then nature to the eye when you watch the scuba footage available on the net. The Cuba underwater site ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IcwdZs9Lcg&feature=fvwrel )is more interesting as that really is created (has a pyramid amongst other things) but apparently that dates to around 1200 AC. With regards to SCUBA gear; the Ancient Greek were allready diving (800 BC -ish).
  9. That structure is heavily contested as being man-made.
  10. Nope, Moore and Gilbert.
  11. I have a message for coach Gailey too; the proof is in the pudding.
  12. The wildcat won't be hugely successfull again untill such a time comes that a team will throw 50% of their time out of the wildcat. As it is now it's simply a they are going to run it play or have a wannabee qb fail hardcore in trying to throw the ball. That said the Jets are potentially that team, as much as I hate to say it. We could be to, would we use Young as wildcat qb instead of Smith.
  13. Heh, looks like they arrested Peter Pan's wife...
  14. Now a real mod would lock the thread and claim the win.... Just saying...
  15. And that is why you simply say you went to the movies on your bachelors...
  16. Just watched the first drive again, and I stand corrected starting lineup was 94 99 95 90, instead of 93 (Anderson) seems Kelsay (90) got the start. With regards to fandom, last season aside, I'm certainly one of Kelsay' his critics. The feed showed Anderson as being in the starting line-up. Nevertheless I should have checked myself. Looking at the second drive, it is Mark Anderson that is subbed in for Kelsay, that drive results in the Wilson fumble recovery. Also Skins o-line made the gaps on the Williams\Wiliams side. Also I wrote second drive, third drive is the one I meant (skipped the Wilson Fumble recovery in my count). Third drive starting line-up is 94 95 99 90, but 88, 91 and 93 are all subbed in. TD was made with 93 in. So.... I'll eat my words.
  17. -. Starting D looked great untill Kelsay and Edwards were subbed in for the second series. -. Merriman looked great and very explosive. -. O-line looked it's usual mess. -. Fitz calling his own plays didn´t seem to add anything, rather take away. -. Potter looks like the real deal. -. David Clowney has potential if his hands are good (Reminded me of a certain SJ). -. Lot's of talent amongst the DBs. -. McKelvin; he is always so far off his receiver that he's nearly late or simply too late for the tackle; forget about making a play on the ball. I'm no fan of him.
  18. Starting D played first series (3 and out), the TD series happened when Kelsay and Edwards were subbed in.
  19. give it up....
  20. Word has it he has a saucer in his garage.
  21. Good ole Ed is locked out from the NFL after the refs failed to reach a new cba with the NFL. We're going to get 'The Replacement Refs'.
  22. The bottomline with Maybin remains... He didnt put in the effort here, getting cut was a huge wakeup call for him; he may or not may make it now. It's all a hobby for him now anyways, the money is in the bank so to say.
  23. Fun read, thanks.
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