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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. Funny thing is that they keep saying we arent in rebuild mode... Yet it wouldnt surprise me to see the final roster have a 50% turnover from 2012. The real shocker for me was that Shep had started 24 games... Each and every time I saw him play he looked and felt like a project player that was 3rd on the depth chart and had been called up due to injuries... But alas... Guy was a liability and we got rid of him, we'll see if we got anything in return.
  2. Thanks great read!
  3. Jeah its a bit of a wierd depth chart, more like a roster spread to depth chart based on primary positions.
  4. Fairly easy in my book, the one playing the best should get the start unless there is a tie including EJ in which case EJ should get the benefit of the doubt. Other then that the coaches really do have to do away with politics surrounding draft investment, play the best man earns trust, motivation and competition throughout all the players which leads to a better team. The same goes for the WR's if say Woods gets outplayed by the other WR's, just cut him allready, keep the best.
  5. Very true! Basicly the same as it does with normal FA's, players and their agents get to select the team of their choice provided that team offered them a deal. Often recruitment allready starts when the draft is still going on. Staff is calling players that are undrafted at that time letting them know that they are welcome to sign with the team if they go undrafted. As to actual contract money etc I'm unsure but I assume it pretty basic NFL minimum stuff.
  6. The Jests website is ------>>> way!
  7. Even that might be fixed with the signing of Chibane...
  8. Thrid rounder and PS... lol He'd be snatched right up.
  9. Holy cow I thought the draft as over but seems like we're taking UDFA seriously too for a change instead of just bringing in camp fodder by the 20's. What a difference a well respected college coach seems to be making, also great to see that all these WR's love to come to Buffallo so they can play with EJ... I dont see any of them heading towards the Jets...
  10. Word is though that Graham has improved immensely over the off season (bb.com)... Competition is going to be stiff for sure, chemistry with EJ may be an important factor.
  11. You forgot Easley on those lists, he's still around, allthough for how long remains to be seen... Cut day is going to be painfull. All these new WRs makes you wonder if they are setting up EJ to start right away.
  12. Bah we could have had Steve Williams... we're still 6 Williams' short on D.
  13. Jeesh no need to say sorry, I'm sorry your draft day got ruined like this... :/ Thank you for putting in all this effort and dedication!
  14. Hmmm I thought that if a player was cut and then resigned his original contract would be reactivated... Could be wrong though.
  15. Exactly that wasnt Luck, that was mandated in order to get Luck. 2010: 10-6:playoffs, 2011: 2-14, 2012: 11-5:playoffs. Sure they lost Manning in 2012 but that season should have been 5 or 6 wins with that team at the least. They were playing for the Luck Bowl as the media and their fans called it, they cant admit it as its a grey area but they sure did it.
  16. "It's 2 AM you arent waching this are you, you need to work tomorrow..." "It's just starting?!?"
  17. Cheers, I thought as much. So translation is if we dont land our guy in the draft we'll pay you X, however if we do you are still more then welcome to sign at the previously mentioned Y. hmmm Didnt Merriman make like 5 mil last year?
  18. Wait... What is the difference between keep talking and no contract was offered?
  19. Meh... try being in the Netherlands...
  20. Meh a rookie WR isnt going to produce his first season, may as well grab one in a later round and groom him to be ready next year.
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