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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. As long as you include the commercials I doubt they'll give you a hard time.
  2. Whoaaaaaa! That is crazy! I can't say I think that's a good thing, coach should have the final say imho. I'm not a fan of this, IMHO a losing team has more chance when they choose to receive. It's a morale thing. Ah, like the sound of that a whole lot more.
  3. We'll he sure looked decent enough in practice highlights... Hope he sticks.
  4. First year players are allowed to participate at the rookie minicamp too, so that means TJ will be there too.
  5. Anyone happen to do the math on how many players are left from the pre-gailey era? cant be many...
  6. That's James Walker for you, he'll set a poll asking one question then posts an article putting out something else as a fact with the poll being his proof. I honestly fail to see why people hate Tim Graham so much, he was better by miles.
  7. Awesome thanks for posting! You sir, made a great thread even better. Must read articles!
  8. In case you are not being sarcastical I was basicly saying I hope he makes it to 100.
  9. You know what, there is no disproving them other then have the future prove them wrong.
  10. Can we trade the OP? Sounds like a win-win to me...
  11. Half way through you old fart!! Congratulations!!! Did your wife get you that lawn bowling set you wanted? Hope you have a blast today!
  12. Bad example the Colts were a playoff team in 2010, they threw away 2011 when Manning got hurt and entered the Luck Bowl.
  13. I think you have to use the momentum of these guys being used to play, so play him. Unless any of the other quarterbacks are miles better. The evidence is in last season I'd say, look at Aaron Rodgers when he finally came of the bench it took him a good 5 games or so to get into a rythm. Unless EJ needs a lot of tinkering on mechanics and such I'd say play him. Can't wait for pre-season to start. There are good odds that this may happen if you see how Kolb was starting to come together last year before he got smashed again.
  14. Every thing to prove nothing proven as of yet, I can live with place 30 for now. Hopefully it will be motivation for the team and will they set out to make the ESPN guys laughing stock. For now though, this place makes sense. Even 31 would have made sense imho.
  15. Jeah it surprised me too that they arent bringing him back, he was a standout on ST.
  16. Wasn't the Florida game a majorly bad game for Manuel?
  17. We still have Justin Rogers at CB as well, coming off IR, and he didnt look too shabby at all. Choice is going to get beat out by Smith imho. Snow is going to get beat out by either Chibane or Turnley.
  18. This! We need to factor in that we need to re-sign Wood and Spiller. Give him long term security but stay reasonable spending wise. I hope he's not so egoistic to demand top of the bill money that would hurt the team down the stretch. Then again given the fact that Eugene Parker is his agent... :/ IMHO he just needs to make sure that a good portion of his contract is guaranteed with the incentives being guaranteed for 50% in case of IR or something like that... He needs a smart contract not a bragging rights contract of virtual millions.
  19. Personally I think that a lot rides on the first game against the Pats* at home, we win that one and we could well be contending for the playoffs and have a great season. If all goes well we'll still have a couple of games were things go wrong with all the youngsters but should see a more stable and succefull team near the end of the year. If not then we may as well write off this coach too...
  20. Nothing new there, at least we now have a recent proven competent DC.
  21. It seems Nix his style is getting players per request of his coach and it is widely known that Shep was a Gailey guy. I'm trying to say is that i'm not so sure that the group you want to be held accountable is still here. Reason we're happy is that we got rid of what clearly was a bust for us, the guy had 24 starts and not made a good impression once...
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