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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. http://gamepass.nfl.com Follow your team option is decent value however it will cut you off both post season and draft, where as the full sub gives you playoffs and remains open till 31/july/2015 so you can view the draft as well. Personally I went with the latter option. If you are only seeing audio and gamerewind then that means your IP address is viewed as being an American or Mexican one, could it be that you are accessing gamepass through your companies network? Anyway Gamepass should be your go to option in Sweden. If for some reason you are unable to access gamepass but are abroad I'd say contact their support (bad and not very helpfull at all but heh worth a shot), worst case scenario you could buy yourself a vpn based location service that will basicly change your location to a nation where Gamepass is available (say the Netherlands for instance). Edit: Ow and use REP15 for a 15% discount.
  2. Meh you know what, it's a silly rule to start off with.
  3. Spikes seems to be putting himself into that role.
  4. Why arent they made by Jostens?
  5. The go-go-go-go philospy is a great one I think, provided he can and will dial it down to really slow and all increments in between. That will throw off a DC and Defense, if they stick to one speed even if it's ultra fast, the opponent will find a rythm. I think it's important to do anything to prevent the opposing DC and Defense from finding a rythm. That said from a practise setting it means you have to train on your highest possible speed in order to make that smooth.
  6. Are you guys ready to pay for your beverages in Donald Bills yet?
  7. No. I don't even care what the question is, the answer to the topic is a resounding no. Power over fans/promises/contracts. He killed NFL Europe with 5 years left to go, his so called full commitment just to make a statement of power when he got control of the NFL.
  8. This sums it up imho. Stadium allows you to have a much better overview of the game versus television being great in being able to see more detail in plays.
  9. Lol, it is true... at least in each and every European country it is... All countries have programs similar to ESPN sports center based around summaries of the games. And euhrm I know because I grew up in one of those countries watching soccer summaries on Sunday night over dinner...
  10. Lol great piece! And so true... It's far worse even; Blatter his nephew has gotten the ditribution rights for the broadcasts in Asia: http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/15497214 Former FIFA vice president Warner had his own scam with TV rights: http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/14844343 Several billion dollar in bribes paid by ISL in order to get TV rights (discovered by curator after bankruptcy, receiving parties protected from disclosure by Swiss law): http://www.playthegame.org/theme-pages/who-took-the-bribes-fifa-corruption-and-the-isl.html and that is just the tip of the iceberg, FIFA would put a mafia organisation to shame. Next USA game against Portugal will be played in Manaus... USA allready looked like they were short on conditioning against Ghana, they will get smoked by Portugal in Manaus if they are really behind on conditioning. Manuas is horrible.
  11. That was an adopted strategy based on the opponent caused by an injury pre trounament to a key midfielder. The Dutch normally play 4-3-3 from juniors through to the national squad. For this game they switched to 5-3-2 which is a very unnatural strategy for the Dutch. What I'm trying to say is that the Dutch grow up playing attacking soccer and even if they switch to a defense style strategy their focus will remain thinking forward because that is rooted in their roots. Watch them wednesday against Australia and I'll bet they'll switch back to a 4-3-3 variant (most likely 4-3-1-2). This is also the reason the Dutch normally show one of the most entertaining styles in the World Cup however they hardly ever get very far because they are susceptible to speed sabotaging teams (like Portugal and Italie). The 5-3-2 variant is very interesting especially in the way it worked for the Dutch, you can bet that they'll revert back to it against Brasil or Germany if they come across those teams, however if they feel they can have the ball possession advantage they will most certainly be playing 4-3-3. It's a fun game to play though, and easy to play too, all you need is a ball and some space. With regards to watchability I understand where you are coming from, personally I like the World Cup and Champion League finals etc, basicly when ever the game is played at it's highest level of play but I can't be bothered to watch any of the competition stuff, way too boring and that is coming from someone who played the game and watched it growing up. Actually there are 4 referees, the linesmen officials do a lot more then just calling out of bounds and offsides. They also call goals and fouls and act as an advisor to the referee (hardly ever used). Their spots only count when the main referee blows his whistle for it though (the main ref can choose to completly ignore his linesmen). For a complete description of their respective roles read this: http://worldsoccer.about.com/od/soccer101/a/Soccer101_Refs.htm
  12. I was talking about the ability to summarize either game in order to reflect how the match went. I wasn't talking about simply showing the scores of either game (like CNN does). I'm saying that in order to achieve the same level of flow of the game feel a NFL game needs a summary of about 20 to 30 minutes whereas a soccer game needs 5-10 minutes. As a result you hardly see any NFL games being summarized, other then tape delay games where they basicly go from snap to snap and cut out everything in between. Commercially the NFL has gone over the top with the amount of commercials during live games imho, then again soccer suffers from a lack of room for commercials. Soccer stations solve this by having pre-game and post-game discussions. Someone above here posted he likes to DVR games and start watching 1.5 hours into the game, I tend to do the same (by 1 hour though) about half way through the season when things don't matter that much anymore, it's shocking how fast you catch up.
  13. The rules are as follows: Two halves of 45 minutes each, time doesnt stop, unless when consulting goalline tech. Each halve gets extended by a number of minutes determined by the 4th official (basicly the reserve ref, the one that also holds the player change sign). If during the extended time delay of game happens (intentionally or by injuries or other events), the ref will extend the game based on his sole disgression. Often when all time is up the ref will let the final action finish through, but again at his disgression. Bottomline is; FIFA always makes sure there is some room for bribery... Yes American Football is a lot better in my experience. Sure wrong non reviewable calls like wrongly called PI or holding can influence the outcome of a game, however the NFL refs always consult each other before making the final call and as such it doesnt depend on the disgression of a single person. Then there are a lot of calls that can be reviewed where as in soccer not a single decision made by the ref is reviewable, no matter how wrong it is and even not if he realises he's wrong. In the end though both games would improve immensely from having a real time video ref that can advise the refs in real time on the field as happens with fieldhockey. With regards to NFL refs, these crews seem to favor teams with the higher/better reputation, being bottom dwellers we always seem to end up at the short end of the stick as a result. The difference was clear with the replacement refs, they were far more fair then the normal crews. Sure the replacements made some critical errors but so do the normal crews each week, the difference is that the normal crews make sure not to call it in doubt when a big market team is involved. Ok, maybe I'm biased here because we received good officiating with the replacement refs and got the shaft the first week the normal crews were back (offcourse that was against the Pats*). Simple statistic, the first 3 (or was it 4) games of this world cup featured 3 wrongly dissalowed goals and 3 falsely awarded penalties. That's a total of 6 scores, which is huge.
  14. Officiating is actually a huge issue with soccer, too many judgement calls depend on what a single guy sees (sure he has his line judges but they rarely interfere) and most of the calls are judegement calls. Even a really good ref only gets about 90% of his calls right. Bad refs as seen earlier in the WC can go as low as 70%. If you consider the huge impact that poor or wrong or none calls can have and that refs can actually decide games in soccer then you'll realise how poor the officiating system is.
  15. That's just a lame argument, as from a spectators point of view there is plenty of action pre-snap (seeing tactic versus tactic). Then there is also the fact that those 11 minutes all consist out of 100% explosive action whereas a soccer game of 90 minutes can have as much as zero explosive actio and on average maybe 2-3 minutes tops a game. Soccer can be like MikeSpeed describes, this World Cup we have been treated to some great games though. A good soccer game can be made into a summary of 5-10 minutes where as a good NFL summary would require 30 minutes to an hour (to show actual drives).
  16. Goodgrief NO, and that's coming from a European... So much wrong with the officiating in soccer, this world championship alone; out of the first 4 games, 3 were decided by bad calls the refs made, and it could have been 4 had the Dutch not walked over Spain after that false penalty. That said we're seeing a surprising amount of goals thus far, normally in the division stage of the world championship the games are all 0-0 or 1-0 games, current scores make the game a lot more fun to watch. But soccer can be so boring if either one of the team decides to go for defense only. It's a great game but you need to have two teams that are willing to attack in order for it to be entertaining to watch. I do happen to think the NFL could learn a thing or two from Fieldhockey officiating though (and soccer a million things), they have a great system in place (basicly a ref is under constant review by a video ref).
  17. Society as a whole has gotten way more asocial in the last decades so naturally that translates to fan behaviour as well.
  18. Nah not a bust, just learning to be a Bill. Gotta be able to make that crucial error late in the game in order to give it away.
  19. Stadium could play a big role getting that conversion to work, I doubt the Canadians would be happy to assist with connecting the infrastructure though if the NY side will be a direct competitor to the ON side.
  20. I think the letter L should sue the NFL for discriminiation, and force them to refrain from using it alltogether untill this wrong has been righted. The NF presents Super Bow 50.
  21. No, people are not reading/listening correctly. Most of the experts think EJ is the one with upside talent and Smith is the one that was the more ready to play one. So basicly; year 1: Smith then EJ, year 2: Smith and EJ on par, year 3: EJ then Smith.
  22. Why arent you getting https://gamepass.nfl.com or even just gamerewind? I'm able to watch every game of the Bills, even pre-season games from Europe. Why arent you getting https://gamepass.nfl.com or even just gamerewind? I'm able to watch every game of the Bills, even pre-season games, all whilst being in Europe.
  23. Exactly, makes it a hell of a lot easier to sell flying in from Europe to my girlfriend as well. Let's go see the Niagra Falls, while we're there we may as well catch a homegame or two... *cough*, where as let's go and see Buffalo doesnt seem to work (tried and tested).
  24. So realisticly they extended Kaepernick for "only" 13 million guaranteed and are able to cut him whenever they want without suffering a cap penalty?
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