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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Let's hope the word is getting out: Get in on the ground floor, this elevator's going up!
  2. Despite the details, the main point is that NO is feeling the squeeze, no?
  3. Well deserved, I'm thrilled! Gettin' dizzy from the non-stop displays of front-office competence of the Bills.
  4. And he will never be forgotten for the clutch 24-yard grab to extend the winning drive in the Vikings game last season. I can understand and accept the team wanting to upgrade the position, but let's thank him for his efforts and contributions over the years instead of kicking him to the curb, ok Leroi? Imo
  5. Awesome vid. Great role player. You can tell he takes a lot of enjoyment in successfully executing a well-designed play. Not a lot of glory, but he's content to do his job, blowing up defenders and springing AP. So glad he's one of ours!
  6. For a 26-year season ticket holder looking in, that perception of disrespect is real. I'm concerned it may be the attitude of the Bills' management. You could try to be a bit less...blunt when you post things like this, especially if you represent or have close ties to the organization. No one wants to see Fred Jackson treated like a mere spent commodity, even if that's the reality (and I'm not sure that's completely the case). I hope the team can find a way to handle the situation with class and some humility.
  7. Uggh, not what I need to read while I'm fighting a monster stomach bug. Hugely disappointed, if true. With all their money, Terry and Kim should do the right thing and pay him to retire a Bill. He'd best the best team ambassador they could have.
  8. Heard this story from a local season ticket holder who didn't make the game that day in order to attend a funeral. As things heated up in the second half, a bunch of guys started slipping out of the service to crowd around someone with a radio out in the hall. At one point (a Reed touchdown?) they all started cheering loudly and high-fiving, until someone came out and told them to keep it down.
  9. In the end zone, behind Elvis. Saw myself clear as a bell in the video of this game, when they shot a close-up of Elvis. Maybe I'll post a screenshot when I get home,for you unbelievers.
  10. I'm sure he didn't want to settle for 3, but sometimes you just gotta take the points.
  11. I think Terry Bradshaw could still get it done. Worst abuses of language: "of" instead of "have".
  12. If the Bills had moved to LA, the Packers would have become my favorite team, running away. As it is, I was sorry to see them lose. All the more so because it would have been nice to know that, had you won it all, we would have beaten the Super Bowl champs. I mean, we beat the Pats*, too...but a win over serial cheaters is simply worth so much less.
  13. As bad as this seems in the abstract, how many close games might the Bills have lost to the Pats* because of a fumble or two? For instance, maybe if McKelvin had been using one of their balls we would have won that game when he fumbled. Sure, on balance, I know they've been the better team for awhile, but when I spend many thousands of dollars on season tickets over the years, I'd like to think I'm watching a fair contest. Instead, I'm furious because, really, cheating is stealing my hard-earned money from me.
  14. Dear Patriots, From a woman's perspective, I am especially sorry for Tommy's hurt feelings. I never wanted to see things go this far. I hope these words from the Bee Gees may bring some measure of healing to this poor man. How can you mend a broken heart? How can you keep the ball from popping out? How can you throw a nice tight spiral? Who makes these rules I flout? How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me win again. Yours, Kim Pegula
  15. Dear Robert, William and Thomas, I am sorry in advance for the ass-whumpin' Rex and the boys are going hand you next season. Sincerely, Terry Pegula
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