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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Too much eroticism.
  2. Yessir, that's all you'll ever find around here...'cept maybe after a loss. You know, I think this is a big thing. I believe struggling through adversity, with some agonizing losses and missing the playoffs the last couple years has mentally toughened this team. With a coach like Jauron I just can't see them taking any game lightly or looking past anybody. With the talent we have and the right attitude the wins will take care of themselves. Well, when you look at it that way... Still, every season there's one team that starts 4 or 5 and 0, then manages to lose 5 or 6 games in a row to miss or barely squeak by into a first round playoff exit. See "mental toughness" above for why I hope (and believe) that won't be us this year.
  3. Hell, I think he might get 2-3 sacks on Favre alone in two games this year. The impressive thing to me in Chris Brown's article is that, at this point in Schobel's career, he's only 11 sacks behind where Bruce was at the same point. On what looks to be a greatly improved defense why shouldn't he maintain double digit sacks for several more years?
  4. Ha, if it's ok to dream a little in week 15, why not in week 2? (Apologies to Raising Arizona): That night I had a dream. I dreamt I was as light as the ether- a floating spirit visiting things to come. In my dream the I saw the Bills hosting New England* in the AFC Championship game and, amidst the swirling snow, Buffalo romped, sending the Pats* home wondering what had hit them. Sweet revenge for last year's debacle. And still I dreamed on, further into the future than I had ever dreamed before; and I heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Cowboys locker room...the Losers' locker room; and I beheld the gleaming Lombardi Trophy residing where it had always rightfully belonged, at One Bills Drive; and I felt all the sorrows of the past melt in the warm rays of a glorious new dawn. GO BILLS 19-0
  5. Yes, anything in the end zone is good... Other plays I'd like to see: -an end around and in -two minute drill -a quick in and out pattern -and when in doubt just pound it up the middle -of course, good ball handling is essential!
  6. He was just having a Jason Peters moment.
  7. Well, it makes sense since they are now the Toronto Bills. :lol:
  8. I wish JP all the best and hope he can land a starting job somewhere next season...I'm betting he will. As the season goes on it will be interesting to speculate how he might have done under Schonert this year. So far I'm guessing with him as starter the Bills are 1-1. Oh, and I feel great about Hamdan as #2 next year. Bring in some competition next spring, for sure, but I think Hamdan's got the goods and will be our backup.
  9. Ha, shell shocked...good one. Yeah, we were there, just dancing and singing the whole freaking game...party party party. As I remember it, that time out was called after only the Bills third or fourth offensive play of the game, and the really funny thing was that we scored on the very next play, after the time out. You know, even at 51-3 we showed class. We pulled in our horns at the end of that game. If we had creeping Patriots* disease we could have run that score up even higher. And, yes, blowouts can be fun to watch. After this one my second favorite blowout game was Jimmy Johnson/Dan Marino's final game in the NFL.
  10. I heard Trent relate that in his post-game interview yesterday, and I found it hugely impressive. Never hurts to have a guy with talent who's also a student of the game. The concern I had with the sack/fumble wasn't so much Peters' play or the challenge, but that rusher up the middle really laid a nasty lick on Trent. It didn't seem to phase him much, though. It's good to know he's not another Rob Johnson after a hit like that.
  11. Allow me to enhance your otherwise accurate statement.
  12. Yeah, I thought so as well. Ok, Garrard is big and elusive...to a point I can excuse some of those missed sack ops. But it did seem like there was enough other sloppy tackling to be a cause of concern.
  13. Maybe, but these challenges have never been one of Jauron's strong points. He did ask Trent on the sidelines if his hand was going forward...l But Steely Dan is right, another couple minutes rest at that critical part of a long, hot game did not hurt. Really, who can say how important that little respite may have been.
  14. Oh, somehow I feel a few of our intrepid posters will find a way.
  15. I think you should forgive them if they have shinned.
  16. The Bills will play so tough and griddy While they're mauling the Jacksonville kiddy; Whose O-line is run by commiddee And is, at it's very best, shiddy.
  17. Knowledgeable, objective, and a homer too...an unbeatable combination!
  18. Ha, I've been enjoying these vids quite a bit! Go dawgs!
  19. Amen. Real men and women venture forth into the cold with great zeal and fortitude. They embrace winter gladly and do not cower indoors all day. The best way to deal with winter is to accept it as it is...go out and hike, snowshoe, ski, hunt, ice fish, snowmobile, sled. Winter is great...just not for pussies.
  20. I wonder which team would draw more viewers in the second half of the season when the Bills are 6-2 and the Zits 2-6?
  21. Agreed. Sad though the first thing that comes to mind these days regarding HJ is that atrocious call on the hail Mary...stinking Patriots*. Anyway, nice pic!
  22. Blizzards=way more fun. After all, how many babies are born 9 months after hurricanes?
  23. Well you're all close. The important thing is how the coaches grade your individual performance during the game...at least that's what a lot of the players used to say during the Williams/Mularkey eras.
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