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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Warren should share all this new-found Bills love with Sterling Sharpe...they would make a cute couple.
  2. Personally, I'm fond of Ralphia.
  3. C'mon, beer baby, he's got much more important things at hand right now.
  4. Yeah, but who are the starters in the real world?
  5. You know, it's prolly not Jauron's style, but if Mitchell and Whitner and a few other guys would do unto them what they do to others, I'd bet you dollars to tacos they'd back right down with their tails between their legs like the cowardly, ass-sniffing dogs they really are.
  6. Ahhh, the Bills doing great...the Pats* and Cowplowers struggling...this season just keeps getting better and better.
  7. I'd like to add that, some opinions to the contrary, Dick is a good field genital.
  8. With a name like that, I hope she grows up to be beautiful.
  9. Good news, indeed. I think we'd all have to agree that with more talent and experience on the roster he doesn't seem quite as conservative as last year. Really, last year was a weird aberration with the injuries, and he held the team together well, all things considered. And, after he wins the Super Bowl this season, the front office will look like geniuses for locking him up at a good price.
  10. Certainly can't argue with the great protection provided last week...and maybe that's uppermost in game planning, since the concussion. That protection has helped to establish an offensive rhythm and control the clock by giving Trent the time he needs to find his open guy. But the frost is on the pumpkin, and I'd like to see us mix it up a bit...try anything to get the running game going a bit more effectively. We're gonna need it soon more than we have to date.
  11. I thought he filled in there a couple times, both in pre and regular seasons, and played well...I could just be light upstairs, though...
  12. Obviously you know nothing, Herr Doktor...the man is a football genius with insights you can't even imagine...you're just jealous!
  13. He should start with the clip of Kelly's last play, game-winning dive against the China Dollphins to set the table for the interview.
  14. I thought Chambers played great at RG when he's been in there. Why Whittle over him? Is it a matchup thing with Miami? I see Whittle is 3 inches shorter and 35 pounds lighter...faster/more agile?
  15. I worry he would try to lure away Dick Jauron to be his head coach, as he prefers a conservative approach to game planning.
  16. Don't gloat just yet...I'm betting the League passes new rules, just for Brady, allowing him to play on crutches. Imagine the unfair advantage if he's allowed to hold off pass rushers with his crutches.
  17. Jackson has had success with YAC in the short passing game. I think perhaps some folks mis-remember some of those as running plays.
  18. It's pretty obvious that he's one of those backs who are really hard to bring down when they've got a full head of steam...getting to that point is the problem, and I think 80-90% of the fault ain't his. Seems like every time he breaks into the second level running up the middle, the play gets called back for holding. What does that tell you?
  19. You know, Tom Brady was a little like this his first year playing - fresh-faced, open, humble, full of youth and enthusiasm. Then, slowly, inexorably, he was pulled into the downward spiraling orbit of the Evil One, Bellishit, from which there is no escape. As his team's ill-gotten successes mounted, Brady's ego grew like some cancerous weed. Fed by a sycophantic media and bandwagon-jumping fan adulation, Tom Brady was soon out of control and, as we all too sadly know, eventually became the broken, twisted wretch he is today. I pray to St. Timothy of Russert and all that is good in this universe to watch over and protect our Trent Edwards, that he may remain centered, whole and sane as the Bills rise to their destiny and start winning Super Bowls by the handfuls.
  20. I see Brady Quinn has flagged that one in his favorites list.
  21. John Murtha called and he wants to know if the above is a racist statement or merely a redneck one. BTW, I know it's getting close to election day, LA, but is that really a good enough reason to switch fishnet for political boob avatars?
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