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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. I agree completely. And our new head coach, whoever he is, better be one who fully appreciates and supports the good thing we've got going here on special teams.
  2. For sure, it's why after so many years this team still doesn't have an identity. "We're going to have a lot more communication between the top people...one man's not going to be calling the shots." - Ralph Wilson A horse designed by a committee is a camel. A football team designed by a committee is the Bills.
  3. Seems to me there's a lot of folks in the biz that know talent when they see it. Guys like Polian are extra special because they know what to do with it. Fitting the individual talents of 53 men into the concept you have for a winning team whole is something we just haven't been able to do with much success since he left. Besides talent you have to understand and factor in personality, drive, motivation, team chemistry, your market, playing environment, division/conference competition and so much more. Got to be able to pick the right coaches as well. I doubt we'll see his like again.
  4. Last week I swore I was gonna give away my final ticket of the year to some idiot who could sit out in this weather and watch yet another heartbreaking loss. But after yesterday I'm back on the bandwagon. Damn. Every time I nearly get free they pull me back in. You see how it works? See why Ralph can laugh after games? When we beat the Pattycakes* this week we'll all be high-fiving each other and be delerious for awhile. We'll carry the memory of a strong, promising season finish into the new year, make some good free agent signings, have a great draft, and speculate how this will be the year. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  5. See, this is the crux of the matter. No play call is 100% right or wrong in every situation, but when the game is on the line, a good coach knows the right call because he feels it in his gut. He is into the flow of the game and does not arrive at his decision analytically. Year after year now we've seen Jauron the Yale boy stuck in his head and tripping over himself, making the wrong decision at crunch time. Hey, nobody gets all those calls right, but have you ever seen ANYONE so consistently get them WRONG at the most critical times as Jauron?
  6. I agree. It's hard not to come to the conclusion that a good head coach would have found a way to secure at least two additional victories this year. In the end that may not have been enough (to reach the playoffs), but at least it would have made watching Bills football between Thanksgiving and New Year's a lot more fun. Another year at the NFL banquet table and we're left with only crumbs.
  7. I haven't heard the exact statement, but blaming the late arriving crowd would be like blaming sun glare for your car accident because it made it really hard to read the text on your cell phone screen. I was in "line" at about 7:15, which is to say I was at the back of the crowd, right at the crest of the hill that rises up from the parking areas. It took about 45 minutes to go from there to the barricade, and another 20 minutes or so to get through the turnstiles and to my seat. Now, things were moving ok, although very slow, up until about 7:45 when it began to get increasingly chaotic and ugly. I would guess the barricade was breached a little after 8:00, maybe 8:15 (I wasn't watching the time at that point). So, yes, I guess the breaking point was reached as it neared game time and large numbers of late arriving fans (partying or otherwise) began to realize they were probably going to miss part of the first quarter. But the entry procedure the Bills had put in place threw fuel on that fire. It was ineffectual and incompetent, confusing and dangerous. The added irony here, is that the whole pat-down security procedure was sped up to the point of absurdity. To get everyone through the checkpoints faster, the checkers simply went through the motions with hundreds of fans. One quick pat-or-none-and through you went. In addition, I noticed they were hardly concentrating on their jobs at hand, anyway. They had one eye on the mob the whole time. I plainly saw fear on their faces as they worried about their own safety. Nothing more frightening than an out of control mob!
  8. You may be right, but I have to believe there were many others who called or emailed today, and the combined weight of those messages were heard. Anyway I'll try to get through to Guest Services tomorrow and see what they say.
  9. Ummm.........no, not a one. Well, as the ad slogan says, it really is a whole different game when you're there.
  10. Agree 100%. Especially head-scratching considering the nice pass to Royal was in big part why we got down in fg range to begin with.
  11. I just called and related my experience to Denise in season tickets. She was very sympathetic and said she'd make sure the complaint got to the right person.
  12. I've gone to almost every game for 20 years now, and I've seen it all. But my overriding memory of last night's game wasn't one of yet another in a long list of last minute heart breakers. No, it was of a chaotic, potentially dangerous scene at the security checks to get into the stadium at Gate 1 (and I imagine elsewhere). Some Bills security genius had made the decision to funnel the thousands of rowdy fans crowding gate 1 into only two security points set far apart, rather than the normal line of such points, side by side, stretched across the entire turnstile area. So, in the dark, with no instructions to the crowd-many of whom were drunk-the entry routine for the last few years was just thrown out the window. As the huge mass of people in the center reached the area where the pat down area normally is set up, all they found was a long steel gate and nowhere to go. Idiots behind us were yelling "PUSH, PUSH" and the crush started to get real bad and scary. Some folks were handing their young children over the the gate to police, who were trying to hold the gates up and screaming at fans not to cross. I was right up against the gate and lifted right off my feet. The barricade started to tip and the cops kept yelling "PUSH BACK!"...yeah, right. Finally the gate fell and people rushed through, some falling. Punches were being thrown at each other and at the police. Fans ran to the turnstile and were let through, but just as I handed my over my ticket to be scanned, some cops decided to barricade the turnstiles. Now I was being pressed hard into the turnstile from behind and the cop on the other side kept yelling at me "you're not going through" and "push back". Finally, after maybe five minutes they decided to just let people through...what could they do? Yes, these were police officers, by and large, and not stadiums security people. Their actions were dangerously infective , at best, but I believe they were put into a very bad situation by a horrendous security scheme devised by who knows who for who knows what reason. Really, I can take the losses, but the Mickey Mouse organization is really wearing thin with me. After 20 years, I'm finally considering not renewing the season tickets next year.
  13. How about Dick Jauron's game prep in team meetings as the Ben Stein/high school teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off: They like to fake a...anyone...handoff from this formation, and we have to be alert to the possibility of a deep...anyone...pass to Moss here and to give safety help over the...anyone...anyone...top.
  14. Ouch is right. Dick Jauron aspires to average.
  15. I am fully expecting to go and watch one hell of an exciting win.
  16. If there are some nice shots of Jessica gob gobbling a big ol' hairy turkey leg in the stands, it would make the watching worthwhile.
  17. Well...not quite. More like 31.622776601683793 yards (a²+b²=c²). Of course, that's assuming the thirty yard figure is correct. It might be, if the ball was spotted on the right hash mark, as the field is only 53 1/3 yards wide. No, ieat, I don't really think we can rag on Trent for attempting a 31.622776601683793 yard pass. After all, he's a Stanford man, and I'm sure he rattled off that distance calculation confidently in a split second before launching. However, you may be on to something with that 4+ mph wind. I think he underestimated the full effects of that autumn blast (California boy that he is). That kind of raw, elemental force does strange things to helium balloons and footballs when the gales of November come early. Maybe Trent should practice his throwing this week (and not in the field house, either) with football shaped helium balloons.
  18. Maybe you should take something that would help you sleep...for a long, long time.
  19. Same here. Very cool that he still wears his heart on his sleeve as a fan nowadays.
  20. Sunday's coming pretty quick. Who'll step up? Roscoe? Unlikely (unfortunately), as he hasn't to date. Hardy? Don't think he can. Steve Johnson? Knowing Jauron, it'll take a season-ending injury to somebody in order for that to happen. Me, I'd love to see Justin Jenkins flash some talent this week. Also, Fred Jackson HAS to be utilized more. Unpardonable if he's not.
  21. True, but you have to wonder if we might have that personnel sitting on the bench, only Jauron is just too cautious to recognize or want to use it. I keep thinking of Greer and Jackson riding the bench last year behind Jason Webster and Anthony Thomas. Why must it take IR to force him to open up a bit? People around here are fond of saying, "well, the coaches see these guys every day in practice, so they know best", but I'm not so sure. I understand playing the odds, but nothing ventured nothing gained.
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