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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. You forgot to add "It's hard to avoid sacks in the NFL".
  2. "It's too bad something worse didn't happen." You're right, that's not harsh enough. Ok, it's too bad a snapping turtle didn't attack him and enjoy a snack of mixed nuts. BTW, that "launch guy" rescue story is a coverup...Gisele was the one who pulled him out. LOL x1000 for the Bruschi comments!
  3. The dry cleaning bill is on its way. You better hope they can get coffee stains out of my new silk Hawaiian shirt, mister.
  4. Little Johnny first needs to learn how to tune a guitar...ouch. Heartfelt? Sings like he's got heartburn. Seriously, this guy reminds me of the little dude in the tree in the movie Deliverance.
  5. LOL The top story in sports tonight? I'mmm heeeer!
  6. Lean, mean, hungry and nasty is way >>>FAT & HAPPY!!
  7. Amazing...only two seconds into that video and he's through that gap, the battle is already lost.
  8. See, it's stuff like this that once again renews my hope and gets me excited for the coming year(s)...I should know better by now. Thanks for nothing, Steely!
  9. A sad passing, indeed. He lived a life of service and will be remembered warmly in these parts.
  10. "The new Bills are willing to push the envelope at any cost. Willing to risk all to win now." Ah, springtime in western NY...
  11. Well, if Jason Piggers didn't care enough to know, I don't either.
  12. I ran into Marshawn Lynch the other day, but I just sped off.
  13. And if by "screwed" you mean cashing in on a mega-million dollar payday and sitting pretty the rest of your life...well, who among us wouldn't love to be screwed? Had to laugh, though, at that whole opening sequence as he discusses his "toned body" during the Lactic Acid Flush/Tofu-Cucumber Wrap Therapy ("Coach Johnson knows my body" ?? ). His whole manner reminds me of what I imagine a young RJ might have been like. Ah, the eternal wellspring of young blood in the water for feasting NFL defensive sharks. Extra credit for his hot girlfriend, however! http://manofest.com/images/rsgallery/displ...sanchez.jpg.jpg
  14. "Wherever he lands, he will be the only receiver in the NFL going for a fourth straight double-digit TD season. And you can almost guarantee that his new team will be better than they were last year." Fuggin' A
  15. Yeah, it may not work out, but-staring down the abyss-it's a lifeline.
  16. So much for continuity.
  17. It's tough to win in life. Sooner these kids learn that the better.
  18. Yes, and as a pedestrian he needs to look both ways so he doesn't get run over...oh, wait...
  19. Don't look for any miracles this off season. Ralph has promised continuity.
  20. Like most of his passes...perfectly timed. And, as has been often noted, retiring when he did meant he didn't have to compete with Elway or Marino in his first year of HOF eligibilty.
  21. Fixed it for you.
  22. Maybe hypnosis or electroshock therapy might help him. Hormone injections could take up the production slack of his numb nuts. Thing is, Ralph has already rewarded him for mediocrity, so why should he change? From the top down, it's all carrot and no stick at OBD.
  23. We need a new team song for next year...(with apologies to Paul Simon) The problem is all inside your head Ralph said to us It's not the QB or that toady GM Russ My whole front office rides to work on a short bus There must be 50 ways to lose in football 50 ways to lose in football
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