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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Yeah, and I'd love to see it, too. But you've got to think-Brady's first game back, with a national audience...well, let's just say I expect to see a lot of holding against us that might somehow get overlooked by the refs.
  2. Haha, yes and only fire can destroy the great evil created by the Dark Lord Jauron. This task was appointed to you, Frodo Van Pill, and if you do not find a way, no one will.
  3. Huh, you would think he feels his boss is happy with his performance and that his job is safe...
  4. Sadly, this seems to be evident all too often. Also, I think he's a harder target for a qb to find down the field, and I'm not sure he can fight for the ball against a bigger, physical defender. You'd have to think he's earned himself some playing time this year with his continued development and performance this preseason. Let's hope Hardy gets healthy and proves you wrong! And, yeah, I'm gonna let myself enjoy this Maybin flavored Kool-Aid fer awhile, it tastes pretty good!!
  5. Sure, it's preseason, but things are awfully reminiscent of last preseason...you remember, when Dick announced (after the last preseason game, I think) that he wished the O had more time to get ready. Well, he's had an extra game this year, but things appear to be even worse. Monday Night Football, featuring the Not Ready For Prime Time Bills...uggh. I guess this is the consistency we were promised. I think the D will be fine, though, and the silver lining I see is if TO makes the kind of difference we think he can. If he delivers I think we could be just a slightly below average offense. Along with a slightly better than average defense this team just might achieve...ummm....a 7-9 record?
  6. "The most deceiving stat of this NFL preseason is Buffalo’s league-leading completion percentage — 91 of 129 (.711)..." Thing is, I can't figure out who's catching all those passes!?! "It’s not a good sign when your three QBs have passer ratings of 96.7, 90.1 and 46.9 — in reserve order of where they appear on the depth chart." Ouch. "The most encouraging stat for the Bills is rush defense. They’ve allowed only 2.7 yards per carry." Without some semblance of an offense, though, their efforts will be wasted again this year. Let's hope TO is the key in the ignition of this wreck project. http://php.democratandchronicle.com/blog/sportsx/
  7. I know you meant to include him: http://www.raiders.com/Team/CoachBio.aspx?id=16972
  8. God love him, but he can never remember the second half of that Lombardi quote.
  9. I thought so, too. A couple of extra holding penalties every game would be nice, even if he doesn't actually get to the qb. What do we really have to lose? Ha, the dark Lord Jauron will now put Maybin back in his box and place him on a shelf in the locker room for the season...
  10. This is a fair summation, I think, but must always be considered in light of the fact that Mr. Wilson may be the only person on earth who would ever have kept the Bills here for 50 years. I think long time fans have grudgingly come to grips with this reality ages ago. The only constant within the Bills organization in half a century is Ralph Wilson. He was selling hope before Obama was born. And we continue to buy it. It's frustrating beyond human endurance sometimes, but I guess we're all free to choose whether or not to participate in the product.
  11. Ha, loved the guy passed out in his seat at 1:45!! Snow on the sidelines, a raucous crowd, Van Miller and winning, hard-nosed football. What's not to like? God, I long for those days again. Thanks for the link.
  12. "It's too bad something worse didn't happen." You're right, that's not harsh enough. Ok, it's too bad a snapping turtle didn't attack him and enjoy a snack of mixed nuts. BTW, that "launch guy" rescue story is a coverup...Gisele was the one who pulled him out. LOL x1000 for the Bruschi comments!
  13. The dry cleaning bill is on its way. You better hope they can get coffee stains out of my new silk Hawaiian shirt, mister.
  14. Little Johnny first needs to learn how to tune a guitar...ouch. Heartfelt? Sings like he's got heartburn. Seriously, this guy reminds me of the little dude in the tree in the movie Deliverance.
  15. Lean, mean, hungry and nasty is way >>>FAT & HAPPY!!
  16. Amazing...only two seconds into that video and he's through that gap, the battle is already lost.
  17. See, it's stuff like this that once again renews my hope and gets me excited for the coming year(s)...I should know better by now. Thanks for nothing, Steely!
  18. A sad passing, indeed. He lived a life of service and will be remembered warmly in these parts.
  19. "The new Bills are willing to push the envelope at any cost. Willing to risk all to win now." Ah, springtime in western NY...
  20. Well, if Jason Piggers didn't care enough to know, I don't either.
  21. I ran into Marshawn Lynch the other day, but I just sped off.
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