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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. I hate wimpy cars, especially those driven by Sunday drivers. Defensive drivers suck, too. Such cars are only good for driving over cliffs, imo. If I had a loser car like that, I would take it out in the pasture and shoot it. Cars like these are always breaking down at the most inopportune times . They cost way too much money to maintain, and then you can't get rid of them for all you've got invested in them. And what's up with the bland, unimaginative body styling of cars nowadays? But most of all, I hate cars that wear sunglasses and stupid hats, and ones that scratch their face constantly when they talk. It's really hard to find a good car.
  2. The Chroisen One can cause he spreads the ball around and makes our dreams come true...
  3. Ha, I think you could add Nic Harris to that list!
  4. Didn't say he was...and I doubt he is. But could he put together a better performance than either #1 & #2 has shown? I wouldn't rule it out, and I'd like to see him try.
  5. Maybe. Unfortunately it may be the same reason Jabari Greer and Fred Jackson were kept on the bench till injuries forced Dickless to play them. I have little faith in Jauron's evaluation and implementation of the talent at his disposal. Also, I believe he is far more interested in being loyal to his starters than he is in winning games.
  6. One of the exhibits at Madame Tussauds ------------------> -or- Maybe a spokesman for the Tilley hat company. http://www.tilley.com/home.asp?countryCode=US#
  7. All that kung-fu work in the preseason is starting to pay off.
  8. Ah yes, Jauron is crazy alright, crazy like a fox...a mangey, skin-and-bones, flea-infested fox.
  9. ...and having already missed one FG attempt from the right hash mark, numb nutz runs the play to the same side, rather than the center of the field. Week after week, year after year...please just go away, Dick.
  10. But at the end of the day we'll have more points, so who cares?
  11. You forget we beat the Pats* opening night...course, that was a moral victory...
  12. Very refreshing, indeed...with a cool dash of swagger sprinkled in.
  13. Yes, this is the key. All the more so with the rain and 4:00 start.
  14. Well then, those of us at the game need to give them a big Buffalo welcome!
  15. Would have been fascinating to see what AVP would have called in that sitch. In the past I'd guess maybe only a 10% chance we pick up the first because of Commander Cautious, but last night...who knows? Higher, for sure. Would have loved the chance to find out. And, yeah, mayber 20% for the second half if we didn't.
  16. A Bills fan should always take the long-term view. No blowout tonight. I think we'll play them tough. Hard to win, though, with a head coach who places effort ahead of victory.
  17. Well done, got any tinglies about how Monday Night is gonna turn out?
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