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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. If no one else has mentioned it yet, good observation...a pleasant surprise! But how on earth did the refs miss that glaring false start on the Fins?
  2. For sure, there were some rocking moments of celebration, but, yeah, especially at that critical time late in the game, when things hung in the balance (and the defense could use the help), things were pretty tomb-like. I look for this to improve as Jauron's somnolent shroud slowly evaporates from western New York. His creeping poison had spread and infected everything. I mean, the crowd had learned over time that no matter how much noise it made, it wasn't going to effect the course of the game, so why bother? I will say that TO really lights up the place. He's electric and seems to feed off the energy. For whatever part he may have in this team's resurgence, I thank him. I hope there's a place for him on next year's squad.
  3. Yo Levi, how sweet was it to see those loudmouths sulk out of there early with their fins between their legs?
  4. QUOTE (BillsVet @ Nov 29 2009, 09:35 PM) DJ is to a NFL offense as a tornado is to Kansas farms. Perhaps even more like a morphine cocktail.
  5. And remember when Josh McDaniels was able to win games single handedly just by running down the sidelines pumping his fist? Hell, by that measure Tom Landry must have sucked because he was just Dick Jauron with a tie.
  6. I believe that was the final game of his career...how sad. While we're at it, remind me how that career final game went for Jimmy Johnson and Dan Marino. When you're a Bills fan, you take the small pleasures in life wherever you find them.
  7. Well, it's a good thing the new health care bill isn't law yet. With rationing of services coming, teams like the Colts and Patriots* will get top-notch care. The Lions and Bills will have to settle for whichever veterinarian is on call at the local animal shelter. My prayers go out to EW. He's a tough guy, and I believe he'll be fine.
  8. I haven't been this despondent since February 11, 2000.
  9. Understanding the cap realities didn't lessen the sadness of the passing of that era.
  10. QUOTE: "Edwards hasn't taken his demotion well. He twice walked away from reporters when they approached him in the locker room Thursday." Good, maybe now he'll wake up, get mad and become a feared, gunslinging sob.
  11. Agreed. As tempting as the Shanahan life preserver appears to us drowning Bills fans, the fact is that power corrupts... In this case, my fear is that giving total control to one individual might tend to breed arrogance and insulate him from the healthy effects a structured system of checks and balances would provide. And if you think that Mr. Wilson found it difficult to dump Jauron, how much harder might it be for him to cut Shanahan at two or more times the salary, should he muck up things in a couple years? As much as everyone wants to finalize things tomorrow, I say let's take as much time as is required to get this right. These decisions will impact all of us for a long time to come. Sharpen those pruning shears!
  12. Yes, and how great would it be to be able to use our early picks in the draft on building the O & D lines/LB?
  13. Absolutely. Sorry to rubber stamp the majority here, but I strongly agree with this. Let's just pray this is the first correct step in a long series of correct steps which restores our credibility in the league.
  14. Seems to me like the main reason for the timing of all this...let's hope!
  15. Hmm, but would that be determined using crayon math?
  16. And, fwiw, that kick yesterday looked like it would have been good from another five yards out.
  17. Exquisite retribution for all the times we've heard Brady & Co.* say, "we're just giving them a chance to stop us". Well, somebody finally did. Pride goeth before a fall.
  18. Right. Got some time and looked very capable early on when Lynch was out. Right again...so obviously right. Just one more more head-scratching move from our clueless FO.
  19. Well, I assumed we were talking about each QB's skill level during the time he played for the Bills...but those are some interesting numbers to think about, billsfreak.
  20. This would make an interesting poll question. You'd have to add JP in the mix, though. I think Flutie would poll 60+%. He'd be my choice of that sorry group.
  21. Sure, no problem, Crayonz. I didn't mean to give any offense. I want to be a good Dick supporter like the rest of you guys. Ummmm, Edsel Corvair Yugo Zaporozhets
  22. Ok, seriously, there is one way. It's pretty drastic, but I guess we don't have much choice at this point. If we can get Superman to make the earth spin backwards, we could go back in time a few years, lock Marv Levy in a rubber room, change some draft picks, and hire a different head coach and real GM. Then, and only then, will we have a chance at the playoffs any time soon.
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