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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. ? What African-American got to do wit anything ? I couild definitely live with that arrangement, though.
  2. Yeah, good lookin jersey, but no way in hell Trent is givin up his number 5.
  3. Except for the Patriots*, the fairness of an even playing field is the very basis of all sports. The reason you're in OT to begin with is that, on this day, you've got two very evenly matched teams. To give one of them an unfair edge, however slight just makes no sense to me. With that in mind, I think the NFL should have changed the OT rule on January 4, 1993.
  4. I'm Marshawn Lynch of the Buffalo Bills, and I am worth $$$$20!!!!!!!
  5. I'm gonna grab Bud Adams by the balls and squeeze as hard as I can.
  6. No schitt. Direct and forceful, very genuine and from the heart. If that's BS, I'll take a triple helping. Ralph seems to have aged markedly in the past year...really noticeable to me. Maybe the urgency is fixed in his mind now. Go Bills!!
  7. Wow, I'm not sure now that I want a little, pooty-whipped, posturing punk patrolling the sidelines. How is he gonna foster any field cred with the woman-beaters on our team?
  8. Under...very low 40s. I'll be there and luvin' it. When it's too cold for them, it's just too cold for us, too!
  9. I dunno, after all the Enquirer was right about John Edwards.
  10. Or maybe he's yet another pixel that's beginning to bring the picture into focus. Why not? It's not that implausible. Ralph Wilson's always been obsessed with Miami, and I'm sure he was impressed with how quickly the right guy could turn it around down there. Hell, the last straw might have been Bud Adams flipping him off in his 50th anniversary season. Who cares? Cowher would be the biggest news in the NFL, bigger than Shammyham going to the Skins. I would love to see Buffalo steal the spotlight before the Super Bowl!!
  11. I feel like I just woke up after a 10 year nap. This is starting to seem like a real possibility, it makes sense. The big news to me would be that if Cowher is genuinely interested, it would mean that a complete overhaul really is in the works. The holes are drilled, and the dynamite is being put in. A real GM and head coach, new assistants, Guy and Modrak gone, everything. What a wonderful world this could be.
  12. He won't be going anywhere after the game... ...snow storm... roads and airport closed...
  13. So they're ready to kick Polian to the curb? Be careful what you wish for Colt fannies! Fascinating.
  14. Meh, no fights in this thread, I'm goin elsewhere.
  15. Sorry, that's setting the bar way too low. I just want us to win.
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