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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Yep. Good assessment of his personality, I'd say. Funny about the Drew Brees/TRX connection, because I think that Brees is that QB who projects a similar personality...was hyped over and over in all the SB coverage. Just watch Brees take charge as a real leader of his team, though, and you'll see the quality which Trent hasn't shown much of to this point. Well, now he's got a second chance. Some real competition should help sort out the QB order. Let's hope Brohm provides that competition. The guy who grabs the job by the throat will probably be the guy who can grab opposing teams by the throat.
  2. Here's what some are forgetting: On offense, Chan Gailey > Skeletor+Doughboy. The offensive plan at OBD is based partly on the conviction that the talent we have is not as bad as it looked last year, and that Chan will be able to do more with it than Dick Jauron ever could. No, it will not be a juggernaut, but it won't need to be. With an improved D, turn only a few field goals into touchdowns and our record is much better. I believe as the season progresses we will find this to have been a sound plan.
  3. Wow, it's gotta be some kind of sin to be this drunk on Easter morning. Imagine Imagine no receivers I wonder if you can No one to catch or throw to A losing year for Chan Imagine all the draft picks We'd get for Marshawn! You, you may say Derrick's a dreamer He may be the only one I hope that Buddy Nix ain't listening Or the Bills are surely done
  4. Seems like it might be best for both parties.
  5. Hopefully this will be enough motivation for numnutz to have a career year in 2010. Also, regarding the OT rule change I found this evolving statistic on successful FG % between 40-49 yards eye-popping: "Fast forward to today's game. Over the past four seasons, NFL place-kickers have averaged 73 percent from 40 to 49 yards..." Of course, this means that, if SB XXV had only been played today, we win.
  6. He can sit and be groomed for a year while he learns about the NFL from a real quarterback... ...Fred Jackson.
  7. How can Peters' numbers not be better, considering he played last year in front of a smart, mobile veteran QB instead of the oblivious sack-prey who stumbled around behind our line?
  8. Thanks to Josh Reed for his years of clutch catches, first downs and hard-nosed, consistent effort. He did credit to the Bills uniform he wore. I hope he lands on a winning team, and I hope we have his replacement in the wings.
  9. Or, if you can't stand the thought of a tie... Just trot out your kickers and start with a 30 yard FG attempt, one shot each. Then back up 5 yards and do it again. Keep backing up 5 yards until someone misses.
  10. As much as I hate a 50 yard run back, a couple of quick out passes, a run up the middle and FG to win the game in overtime, if you don't allow FGs in OT, what does that say about the value of them in regulation? Unfortunately, it just doesn't seem logical to me to say they're great through the first four quarters but not the 5th quarter. Nope, I think you've got to play a full 15 minutes...hey, it ain't baseball, ties happen!
  11. To paraphrase General Patton, the American way is not for you to pay for your new stadium, but to make the other poor bastard pay for your stadium! Yeah, I'm another one of those crazies that like the old hell hole just the way it is.
  12. If this truly was the only way to keep the Bills here, well, ok... But you know, I hear this all the time, and it just doesn't make much sense to me. Why can't a RWS renovation give the league everything it requires? If the reason is to enable the team to have scores of luxury corporate suites (which is where the big money comes from), well, who are the WNY businesses who will snap these up, anyway? Build it, and they still won't come. And that's not money split with the other teams anyway, is it? It can't be simply to provide a good looking stadium for the tv audience, because, really, all you see is the field and announcers for 99% of the broadcast. And besides, isn't it more in the best interest for an NFL to show a packed house full of rabid fans instead of a pretty stadium? That provides an image that your product is thriving. For excitement and electricity we can match any team in the league (e.g., the prime time Dallas game). If you need to increase the gate so that there's a higher split with the visiting team, well, I get that. But , my observation of the local game-going fan base is that the number of new "fair-weather" fans you bring in to a new stadium won't begin to offset the number you'll lose if you double or triple the cost of season tickets.
  13. Closer to 14 billion years old. But don't worry, it'll keep expanding for billions more so that should be enough time for the Bills to become relevant again.
  14. Got to agree. I'll bet most of those dreaming of a new stadium here don't actually buy seasons and go to the games. I'd rather not have to pay an extra $400-500 a year for my tix. I look around, and the people I see at the Ralph on Sunday have a great game day experience as things are. A decent team would make things even better, but who really cares about individual seats with cup holders and crap like that? I mean, Promo is right, I could just as well fall in love with a new stadium, but how much more would I have to pay?
  15. RWS is a dump? I've been too busy having fun at every home game for the last 20 years to notice!
  16. Ok, but I'd have to know who his favorite actress is first.
  17. Cinderella is going to get her little glass slippers smashed to bits, ha ha.
  18. LOL---> Ralph, Nix, Chan...let's get Reeves and Schottenheimer on the staff, and maybe find a place for Dick LeBeau, too. While we're at it, see if we can work Sophia Loren and Ann Margaret into the Jills lineup.
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