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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. LOL, and I thought he had the snot knocked out of him.
  2. I hate the Pats* AND the Zits AND the Squeelers. Ok, and the Dolphins, Giants, Cowboys and Redskins. GO PACKERS!
  3. Another thing to consider is how much better he might have been early in the year had he been the #1 QB throughout all of training camp and the preseason.
  4. Good crowd noise for so few yesterday. I'll be out west for the Pats* game, so this was a happy ending to the season for me.
  5. Fitz should remind him how he bounced back after a terrible first half throwing the ball last week against the Bengals. Yeah, SJ, don't forget this game, but don't let it rattle around in your head either. Use it to motivate yourself, that's what a pro does, that's how you help your team the most.
  6. I hope Crayonz chimes in and clears up this whole playoff picture thing for us.
  7. This isn't just about the last two games. It's the final flush of a career that's been circling the drain for awhile now. And it's better done now than later. I think Chan knows that at least Fitz is a fighter, and Trent will never be one.
  8. It's easy to hate Miami and Dallas...not so much Cleveland and Green Bay. That being said, I hope you look past us to the Bears on Monday night and stumble just enough to give us an improbable win in a hard-fought game. Good luck to you, but better luck to us!
  9. Nah, in New Reich that's what's known as "protecting and serving".
  10. Excellent point. We were talking about this very subject on the ride home from the game today. I thought this was a very glaring difference in the preseason, that Brohm knows when and how to step up into the pocket, make a decision and deliver the ball quickly. Trent just couldn't seem to get that, then or today. Granted, Chan was out-coached today, and his offensive game plan didn't help Trent out much with the Fins lying in wait...BUT, I'm starting to believe there is no further upside to Edwards' game. Gonna be a lonnnngggggg season.
  11. Heh heh, I believe that would be the sweet refrain of Dan Marino's final game in the NFL, a playoff loss to the Jaguars. And the icing on that debacle cake is that it was Jimmy Johnson's final game as well. I hope the memory of that day never dims for those two.
  12. Ha, I remember the Raiders calling a time out during that first drive...like after the fourth play from scrimmage or something...not sure I ever saw a team call a time out that early in a game before or since. Didn't matter, the Bills scored just a couple plays later, no one was going to stop them on that day. Just Lose, Baby! And to add insult to Raider injury it started snowing during the game, can't remember exactly when, but it was pure magic! Well folks, the cosmic wheel is turning, and our time will be here again soon. It's gonna be all the sweeter for the misery we've endured.
  13. I would be surprised to see Hardy on the field Sunday. But yeah, I hope we get dizzy with all the offensive combos on display this week. It's always fun to hear the buzz in the stands when the home crowd recognizes a new set at the line of scrimmage. Hope the players can keep it all straight!
  14. You bet, seriously. This game is gonna be more like the opening day pounding of the Pats a few years ago. Home field advantage gone wild. Chan ball is go for the jugular, not go for the ankle grab. SQUUUIIISSSHHHH! I AM SO PUMPED!!!
  15. Turns out he was who we thought he was...only much worse!
  16. After the third preseason game last year, even the most optimistic among us would have admitted that things looked bleak. No prancing unicorns here, but it feels like a new day, I think the worst is behind us. The players are buying into what Chan and Buddy are selling, and so am I. What's the worst that could happen, I get my heart torn out for the 1000th time?
  17. We're actually getting better with each game this preseason. How many agonizing years have we heard "We need to go back, watch the tape and learn from our mistakes", only to have to endure the same grinding mediocrity the following week? This ship hasn't been fully righted yet, but at least it's not sailing in circles any longer. Bring on the opening day ROUT !!
  18. +1 If Gailey can get any kind of consistent production out of that group, he will be an offensive miracle worker in my book.
  19. You would notice that! Something about him, his voice/way of speaking maybe, reminds me just a bit of Jim Kelly. Maybe someday...hey, who knows??
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