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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Very well put...that sums it up nicely. I love that crafty southern way he has of dealing with reporters who ask dumb, long winded statement-questions. Just a little shake of the head, a certain look in the eye, maybe a very terse answer...as if to say "give it some thought and bring your "A" question next time. LOL, straight shooter, indeed. Chan Gailey, Coach of the Year!
  2. Yes, Namath is right...the Jets are really strugg-a-ling right now.
  3. Great teams generally do; many "good" teams often do not.
  4. They also had earned an opportunity to put the game away before a bunch of myopic-or worse- part timers took itaway from them.
  5. Total blown call in the Giants game, as well. Officiating in the NFL continues to be a crapshoot, year after year. And tomorrow morning the league will review this play, along with a lot of others, and the Bills will get a letter saying, "uh...sorry, looks like we got that one wrong".
  6. But that's precisely the point...we had all the momentum, and it was wrongly taken out of our hands. We were good enough to win and in control to do so. We shouldn't have had to be better than that. One opponent in a game should be enough.
  7. A single play at a critical juncture is often the difference between a win and a loss in the NFL. Happens every week to somebody.
  8. Of course he was pushed way out of the play. Give him credit for his speed and staying with it. Love the immediate turnover and Raven score!
  9. It was on the game reviews before Jets-Ravens kickoff.
  10. Tony Dungy said it was clearly a catch, and I'll respect his seasoned, impartial observation.
  11. "Awesome" doesn't do the article or Fitz justice.
  12. Just before I moved up here. My God, was Fergy young! George Blanda! LOL that buffalo mascot at the end. Nice to see the crowd then was no different than today, some things never change!
  13. Maybe he sat around doing nothing the last few weeks and gained 50 pounds.
  14. Yes, and we are rapidly approaching the Crayonz Logic Zone.
  15. Like Chan said, "Now, how do we handle prosperity?"
  16. Been to most of the home games since 1990. I'd agree with Porkie, the Comeback Game was the loudest...and most delirious. After that, it's tough to rate them. 51-3 was sure right up there. Of course, there were more seats available in those days, and you'd think 80,000 would easily trump 70,000 today. But the Dallas Monday nighter seemed as loud as those to me, and these past two weeks, once things got going, also seemed to be awfully close to the best of the old days. If you've never been to see the Bills live at home, make the effort this year...you won't be disappointed!
  17. Great article. Harvard and Coe don't turn out no dummies!
  18. There's a lot of season to go, of course, but he's got to be in the early running for Coach of the Year.
  19. Yeah, well I don't know. How much else do you want to let Tommy off the hook for? If he brings in a note from his wife will he also be excused from having to throw a block if needed?
  20. We noticed Merriman drinking quite a bit before he went into the locker room...thought maybe he cramped up in the heat today...or maybe just had to pee.
  21. On the other hand, Dungy's eyes really lit up when he said about the Bills, "I really like this team"...that was very cool to see. Quite the classy counterpart to the former dirty, cheating Patriot* POS.
  22. The scoreboard end one came down pretty quickly, but they left the tunnel end one up longer, till the last of the players left the field. Both Players and fans stayed around awhile to savor the sweetness.
  23. Add in Jackson and Chandler, and how they gonna keep us down??
  24. And that wasn't even severely illegal!
  25. Yup, and this week we bring the other hand out from behind our back. Chanstache will be unlocking the kennel door for this one, and the headlines this week will be: "Shawne Merriman, Comeback Player of the Year?"
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