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Bleed Bills Blue

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Posts posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. It seems Norwood is being given his award between the first and second quarters, so no big halftime ceremony, as for Wall of Fame and other major events. This is as it should be.


    But, yeah, some strange elements are brewing for today's game. One thing's for sure, though: This team is disciplined, prepared and mentally tough. It doesn't let trivial things distract from the job at hand. Hope I'm kicking back in the upper deck at about 3:30 today, enjoying a 20 point lead. More likely this will be another 3 point game that will turn on one or two plays. Goodbye voice.

  2. "A few years ago, ... we signed a guy and paid him a lot of money, and he lived in Florida," Wilson said. "And there was a very large bonus attached to the contract, and he wanted us to say the contract was signed in Florida so that he would not have to pay taxes to the state of New York. We held out and I said, 'No, this fellow is going to play in New York, he's going to pay New York.' We had a long hard fight on it. He wanted to sign in Florida. He wound up signing in New York."


    Who was this guy, anybody know? McGahee?

  3. We finally have a coach who creates game plans around his team's strengths and the other team's weaknesses, rather than forcing some "philosophy or technique"

    on every game (as if every game were the same). Listen to all of the players comments from last week, they were saying things like "the coaches knew this would work, we saw them doing this,

    we knew we could be successful doing this, we added this just for this week because we thought they would be vulnerable to it." We finally have a coach who can make adjustments and is good

    at game management (see the end of the Patriots and Eagles games). We finally have a coach who plays to win, rather than playing not to lose. A guy who is all about hard work, accountability,

    TEAM, etc. A guy who gets the most out of his players, has his whole team prepared (see Roosevelt and Hairston most recently), is a straight shooter, and someone who the players like and will fight for.

    After a long drought, we've finally got ourselves a real football coach boys.

    Very well put...that sums it up nicely. I love that crafty southern way he has of dealing with reporters who ask dumb, long winded statement-questions. Just a little shake of the head, a certain look in the eye, maybe a very terse answer...as if to say "give it some thought and bring your "A" question next time. LOL, straight shooter, indeed.


    Chan Gailey, Coach of the Year!

  4. Total blown call in the Giants game, as well. Officiating in the NFL continues to be a crapshoot, year after year.


    And tomorrow morning the league will review this play, along with a lot of others, and the Bills will get a letter saying, "uh...sorry, looks like we got that one wrong".

  5. As was, you know, giving up an 80 yard drive. That's a big deal too.

    But that's precisely the point...we had all the momentum, and it was wrongly taken out of our hands. We were good enough to win and in control to do so. We shouldn't have had to be better than that. One opponent in a game should be enough.

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