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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Well, he said he promised his son that he'd play four more seasons (three beyond this one), so we still have some time to enjoy. We can understand when he retires in 2018 after scoring the winning touchdown in Superbowl LII.
  2. Seeing how pumped he was running on the field after the game showed that, too. He's a total professional and obviously a competitor; and he wants to win. He's a great fit for this team and this town.
  3. Right now, I wouldn't even mind if we were led to the playoffs by a hard-drinking, cigar-smoking party animal from off the street. oh, wait...
  4. And he took a beating on a whole lot of plays!
  5. And, even though hurt, he came back in the game at crunch time.
  6. Two losses on the road with efforts like this and the calls for Kyle will be starting.
  7. 77+74+70+79+66 / 3 = 122 12+2 = 14 Ok, this is getting weird...
  8. It's settled then. We're going 14-2 this year.
  9. I like it...but I think you may have to toss in some defensive bait like Mario to get them to bite. :blink:
  10. Truck is packed, we're heading out soon. Add five more voices to the beatdown chorus.
  11. I ain't 'fraid of no boasts! That the home opener comes against Miami is even sweeter, said (Mike) Williams, who said his mother made sure he grew up “hating the Dolphins.” Ha, that is beyond awesome.
  12. Honestly, Seattle couldn't beat us at home this Sunday.
  13. A new era dawns in western New York...amazing!
  14. I wouldn't want to be a Miami Dolphin this Sunday. I really wouldn't.
  15. All hearts showing.
  16. KW said after the game he's never seen that happen in his entire career.
  17. Fred has lost a step, too old...should have gotten in. Kyle Williams...no yards after the catch? EJ to Woods...circus catches are for clowns! Chandler, if you're gonna take 15, you better cripple your man. We're not on pace to match last year's sack total...going backwards! Only 23 scored in perfect weather...what's gonna happen in December? :P
  18. EJ will get the time today to do some shredding. Bear slaw...yummmm!
  19. +1...they'll have to have some answers on third and long for this to be so. The past generation of Bills football has left me cautiously optimistic, though emotionally fortified against failure. You mean, like, weighed against the fact that our sun will burn out in 5 billion years?
  20. +1 May be the best Bills QB in this regard I've ever seen. I don't know why we don't have many more plays designed to take advantage of this talent.
  21. Wow, I just checked...Campbell's stock is up 400% today!
  22. They really dropped the ball on the food. I thought the Duff's artificially colored, processed chicken nuggets were pretty weak. And I just stared in disbelief when served the "Beef on Weck" - 3 greasy egg rolls stuffed with tasteless mystery meat. I'd happily pay the $10 for a small portion of the real things, but I was insulted by these poor imitations. Fool me once...
  23. That's right, and it isn't bad form in the least. I remember the Bills being roundly booed as they trotted off the field at halftime on 1/3/93. And we all know how that one ended. I was only in my second year as a season ticket holder, and I just couldn't bring myself to join in. Well, you can bet I booed yesterday. None of the new electronic distractions, fresh paint, piped in music and scoreboard exhortations are gonna paper over a truly dismal performance. Sometimes the added embarrassment of your home crowd booing you might be the kick in the pants you need to wake up and pull your head out of your man cave. Seemed to help yesterday. I see it simply as a healthy, little family squabble...the underlying love and support are still there.
  24. Through all the highs and all the lows, you were the one constant, from the first day till today. And you kept the Bills here when few other owners, if any, would have. Thank you for everything this team has given to western New York and Bills fans everywhere.
  25. Well deserved. Time doesn't diminish this accomplishment. I'm so thrilled for Andre and family, the Bills organization and Bills fans everywhere!
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